FAN MAIL: Danilo Nikolić – “I consider myself to be the best!”

Wednesday, 19. December 2018 at 23:13

Budućnost VOLI star player Danilo Nikolić has answered on your questions! Who is the best point guard in the ABA League? Who was the toughest player ever to guard in his career… and many more! Read his answers in the lines below.

Danilo Nikolic (Photo: Buducnost VOLI)

Do you have a girlfriend?

“Yes, I do. For four years now I am in a happy relationship.”

Did you have an idol as a child and who was it?

“I haven’t been looking at anyone as my idol, but the player that I desired to watch the most was Peđa Stojaković.”

What kind of atmosphere was there in the ABA League Final against Crvena zvezda mts? Was it the best atmosphere ever in Morača at Budućnost VOLI games?

“It was excellent. For a long time we will be remembering this final series. It is an amazing feeling to be part of such a success!”

Burek with meat or cheese?

“Meat and only meat!”

Even though you have been playing quite well lately, you were not a part of the national team during the last national team windows. Is there a particular reason?

“No, there is none. I am always available for the national team and I hope that I would be invited to help the team during the next windows.”

Which dog would you recommend for the apartment?

“For sure Japanese Akita. Fun is guaranteed!”

Does Aleksandar Džikić torture you in practices?


For a long time we haven’t had a pleasure to watch a player with such shooting accuracy at the position of the center. What do you consider to be your advantages, except for the 3-point shot and shot from mid-range?

“This year, I have added more penetration to my game apart from my shooting abilities. I believe that I can make lots of progress in this category.”

Dou you believe that the Podgorica fans have recognized your last season’s success when you won the ABA League trophy by increase of the attendance at your home games. Where do you feel it the most?

“It is the most evident from the increase in attendance. The success that was achieved last season, was achieved with the help of our crowd. This season, due to renovated Morača, more people got an opportunity to visit our games. We feel that we have earned their support.”

Who is the best point guard of the ABA League?

“Nikola Ivanović for sure. He has proven it last season.”

Which ABA League players are better than you in your playing position?

“I always consider myself to be the best.”

How tall are you without wearing sneakers?

“207 cm.”

Which away court is the toughest to play at in the ABA League?

“I could not name one in particular.”

Which player in your career was the toughest to guard?

“Felipe Reyes. I knew how much quality he possessed and when I came to the ACB League I had a chance to convince myself into this.”

What did playing in the EuroLeague bring to your team in positive aspects in comparison with the previous seasons?

“Especially higher level of basketball and opportunity to present Podgorica and Montenegro in the best possible light in the strongest basketball competition in Europe.”


FAN MAIL: Danilo Nikolić – „Za sebe uvijek mislim da sam najbolji!“

Košarkaš Budućnosti VOLI Danilo Nikolić je odgovorio na vaša pitanja! Ko je najbolji plejmejker u ABA Ligi? Koji igrač je bio najteži za čuvanje u njegovoj karijeri? Sve to i još više pročitajte u donjim redovima.

Da li imate djevojku?

„Imam, 4 godine sam u srećnoj vezi.“

Da li ste kao dijete imali košarkaškog idola i ko je bio on?

„Nikad nisam nekog volio da gledam kao idola ali igrač kojeg sam najviše volio da gledam je Peđa Stojaković.“

Kakva je bila atmosfera u finalu ABA lige protiv Crvene zvezde mts? Da li je to bila najbolja atmosfera ikada u Morači na utakmicama Budućnosti VOLI?

„Atmosfera je bila sjajna. Dugo će se u Podgorici pamtiti ta finalna serija. Nevjerovatan je osjećaj biti dio takvog uspjeha!“

Burek sa mesom ili sirom?

„Mesom i samo mesom!“

Iako u poslednje vreme igrate veoma dobro, niste bili u sastavu reprezentacije tokom poslednjih prozora. Da li postoji neki poseban razlog?

„Ne postoji poseban razlog. Uvijek sam dostupan reprezentaciji i nadam se da ću već u sledećem prozoru biti pozvan da pomognem ekipi.“

Koji vam je omiljeni citat od Buksovaca?

„Ima ih dosta i ima dosta kvalitetnijih ali evo prvi koji mi pada na pamet.

,,Bolje se zenit od trideste nego ne zenit od četrdeste, tako vele staari detelinari."“

Kog psa biste mi preporučili za stan?

„Japanska akita definitivno. Garantujem zabavu!“

Da li vas Džile muči na treninzima?

„Hmmm.... ?“

Odavno kod nas nije viđena tako meka ruka igraču na poziciji centra, osim šuta za 3 i sa poludistance šta smatrate svojim glavnim prednostima?

„Ove godine, osim šuta svojoj igri sam dodao i više prodora. Mislim da mogu dosta da napredujem u tom segmentu.“

Da li po poseti na utakmicama, atmosferi u dvorani i van nje osećate da je podgorička publika prepoznala vaš uspeh od prošle sezone kad ste po prvi put osvojili ABA ligu? Gde se to najviše oseća?

„Najviše se osjeća po posjeti. Uspjeh koji je postignut prošle sezone postignut je uz pomoć publike. Ove godine zbog samog renoviranja ,,Morače" više ljudi je imalo pristup našim utakmicama. Osjećamo da smo zaradili njihovo povjerenje.“

Ko je najbolji plejmejker u ABA ligi?

„Nikola Ivanović definitivno a i dokazao je to prethodne sezone.“

Koji igrači u ABA ligi koji igraju na vašoj poziciji su bolji od vas po vašem mišljenju?

„Za sebe uvijek mislim da sam najbolji.“

Koliko ste visoki bez patika?

„207 cm.“

Protiv koje ekipe je najteže igrati u gostima u ABA ligi?

„Nemam određenu halu koju bih mogao da izdvojim.“

Ko je bio najteži protivnik kojeg ste čuvali u svojoj karijeri?

„Igrač sa kojim sam se najviše namučio u odbrani je definitivno Felipe Reyes. Znao sam koliki kvalitet posjeduje i imao sam priliku u ACB ligi da se i sam uvjerim u to.“

Šta je vašem klubu donelo igranje Evrolige u odnosu na prošle sezone?

„Prije svega veći nivo košarke i priliku da prikažemo Podgoricu i Crnu Goru u najboljem svijetlu u najjačoj ligi Evrope.“
