Kristijan Krajina to play for Zadar the next three seasons

Monday, 06. June 2016 at 15:19

In Zadar, they have begun to build their roster for the forthcoming season. The first name to be added to the list of players is Kristijan Krajina, 208 cm tall center, who used to play for GKK šibenik last season.

In Zadar, they have begun to build their roster for the forthcoming season. The first name to be added to the list of players is Kristijan Krajina, 208 cm tall center, who used to play for GKK šibenik last season.

Before arriving to šibenik, Krajina played for the NCAA team Mount St. Mary"s Mountaineers. With Zadar he agreed on a three-year cooperation.

"We are pleased to have made an agreement on cooperation with Kajina, who is a center with huge potential. The three-year deal that we have signed indicates, that we are counting on the player in a long term. We will do our best to compose a team that will be able to be competitive both in the ABA League and domestic championship. We will focus on keeping the core of last season"s team and to bring in several reinforcements,” Zadar General Manager Boris Skroće commented on the signing.


Kristijan Krajina Zadrov sljedeće tri godine

U košarkaškom klubu Zadar krenulo se sa slaganjem rostera za novu sezonu. Prvo ime na popisu novih igrača je Kristijan Krajina, 208 centimetara visoki centar koji je prošlu godinu igrao u redovima GKK šibenika.

Krajina je prije dolaska u šibenik igrao za američku sveučilišnu NCAA ekipu Mount St. Mary"s Mountaineers, a sa Zadrom je dogovorio trogodišnju suradnju.

„Drago nam je da smo uspjeli dogovoriti suradnju s Krajinom koji je iznimno potentan centar. Trogodišnji ugovor pokazuje da na njega računamo dugoročno. Nastojat ćemo i sljedeće sezone imati momčad koja će kompetitivno moći igrati ABA ligu i domaće prvenstvo. Cilj je zadržati okosnicu momčadi od prošle sezone i pridodati nekoliko pojačanja," rekao je direktor Zadra Boris Skroće.