INTERVIEW: Marko Simonović - I expect more games against Cedevita

Wednesday, 28. December 2016 at 12:26

You do not hear it often that Crvena zvezda fans chant the name of a single player. To deserve this great honor, the player must have a really remarkable season and he has to show that he is ready to do everything for the red & white colors. 

Marko Simonovic, Crvena zvezda team

You do not hear it often that Crvena zvezda fans chant the name of a single player. To deserve this great honor, the player must have a really remarkable season and he has to show that he is ready to do everything for the red & white colors.

Marko Simonović has fulfilled both conditions.

Experienced forward has become the fans' favorite in the ongoing season thanks to his amazing performances. And, in the last round he helped Crvena zvezda mts triumph in the derby match against Cedevita by scoring season-high 27 points.

Has the match against Cedevita been the most difficult one for you so far in the 2016/17 season?

"It has definitely been the toughest for us so far. A true derby. We did now really open the match in the way we wanted, but we managed to get in front until the halftime and then to keep the lead in the rest of the match. I would say that Zvezda and Cedevita are the two best teams in the league and I expect more games against them in the Playoffs."

Crvena zvezda mts are still the only undefeated team in the ABA League with 15 wins out of 15 rounds. How do you comment that amazing streak?

"We really do not think about that. We are giving our best in every match. We have a lot of quality players in the roster, we know each other very well and we know how much can any of us do. There is a great atmosphere in the team and it helps us a lot in keeping this winning streak."

There is one very interesting thing about the ongoing season of Crvena zvezda mts. The current leader on the standings does not have a single player among the Top 20 scorers, or among the Top 20 index rating players in the 2016/17 season! Is that the best proof that Crvena zvezda mts indeed act as a true team?

"It is! That is why we are so dominant. Our greatest strength lies in the fact that any player can step up and take the leader's role, so our rivals do now know on which player to focus their defense. That is the characteristic of a true team."

Which match from 2016 would you single out as your favorite one?

"There were a lot of nice moments in 2016. Perhaps I would single out the Game 1 of the last season's semifinals against Cedevita. They played a truly great match, scoring some very difficult shots along the way, but we managed to win after overtime."

What would be your New Year's message for Crvena zvezda mts fans?

"I would tell them to keep coming to our games and to continue to support us. With them on our side everything is much easier. Let the next year be as successful as the previous one."


Marko Simonović - "Očekujem još utakmica protiv Cedevite"

Ne dogadja se često da navijači Crvene zvezde mts skandiraju ime jednog igrača. Prosto, da bi zaslužio takvo priznanje, igrač mora da ima izvrsnu sezonu i da pritom na svakom meču pokazuje da je spreman da učini sve za crveno-bele boje...

Marko Simonović je ove sezone ispunio oba uslova.

Iskusni košarkaš je postao miljenik navijača Crvene zvezde mts zahvaljujući svojim fantastičnim izdanjima u 2016/17 kampanji. A, u prošlom kolu je pomogao svom timu da trijumfuje protiv Cedevite u gostima, tako što je ubacio svoj rekord sezone od 27 poena!

Da li je utakmica protiv Cedevite bila najteža za Crvenu zvezdu do sada u ovoj sezoni?

"Jeste, definitivno je bila najteža. Pravi derbi. Na početku nismo baš najbolje igrali, ali smo do poluvremena uspeli da prevedemo utakmicu na našu stranu i da do kraja održimo prednost. Rekao bih da je Cedevita uz nas najkvalitetnija ekipa u ligi i očekujem još utakmica protiv njih u plej-ofu."

I dalje ste jedina neporažena ekipa u ligi sa 15 pobeda iz 15 utakmica. Kako vi gledate na ovaj fantastičan niz?

"Zaista o tome ne razmišljamo. Igramo maksimalno svaku utakmicu. Imamo dosta igrača u rotaciji, dobro se poznajemo i znamo ko koliko može. U timu vlada zaista sjajna atmosfera i to nam mnogo pomaže da održimo pobednički niz."

Intersantan podatak je da Crvena zvezda mts nema igrača u prvih 20 u ligi kada se gleda prosečan broj poena ili prosečan indeks uspešnosti. Da li je to najbolji pokazatelj da Zvezda ove sezone igra kao pravi tim?

"Upravo je to dokaz da smo pravi tim. Zato smo tako i dominantni. Naša najveća snaga leži u tome da na svakoj utakmici neko drugi može da iskoči, pa protivnik ne zna koga da brani. To je odlika prave, timske igre."

Koju utakmicu bi izdvojio iz 2016. godine kao najdražu?

"Bilo je dosta lepih trenutaka u 2016. godini. Možda bih izdvojio prvu utakmicu polufinala plej-ofa iz prošle sezone protiv Cedevite. Oni su zaista sjajno odigrali tu utakmicu i ubacivali su neke teške šuteve, ali smo uspeli da pobedimo posle produžetaka."

Koja bi bila vaša novogodišnja poruka za navijače Crvene zvezde mts?

"Da nastave da dolaze na naše utakmice i da nas bodre kao i do sada. Uz njih je sve lakše. Neka nam 2017. godina bude uspešna kao i 2016."
