Conclusions of the extraordinary ABA League j.t.d. Assembly session

Tuesday, 17. December 2024 at 17:33

At its extraordinary session, held through the Zoom application on 17 December 2024, the ABA League j.t.d. Assembly has adopted a series of decisions and conclusions with a goal of further growth and development of all competitions under the umbrella of the Company.

ABA League j.t.d. logo

The ABA League j.t.d. Assembly has given its approval for concluding a sponsorship agreement, i.e. for extension of cooperation with the company Dassašport d.o.o., the exclusive representative and official distributor of the basketballs of the Spalding company for the region.

Dubravko Kmetović, the ABA League j.t.d. Director, has presented his report on current work of the Company and used the opportunity to present a series of precise indicators of very successful business and profitability, which clearly speak of the constant strengthening of the ABA League j.t.d. brand in all fields, both from the sports and in business point of view.

With a goal for this trend to continue, the Company members have been informed of the course of the previously adopted and current process of selling of the commercial (media and marketing) rights and have made an unanimous decision to continue this process.

As a co-owner and firm partner of ECA (EuroLeague Commercial Assets), the ABA League j.t.d. Assembly has adopted a decision to take all steps in order to, through the intense and open communication, strengthen the cooperation with EuroLeague and raise it to an even higher level.

For the end, the ABA League j.t.d. Assembly has made a decision for the Final Tournament of the 2024/25 U19 ABA League Championship season to take place in Laktaši, organized by BC Igokea m:tel.
