Samardžiski leaves Mega Leks - "I am grateful for everything"

Tuesday, 10. November 2015 at 22:21

Predrag Samardžiski is a new player of Turkish club - Büyükçekmece. Experienced center had an "open" contract with Mega Leks, so he was able to negotiate with any other club. Eventually, when he received a lucrative offer from Istanbul, he decided to continue career in Turkey.

Predrag Samardžiski is a new player of Turkish club - Büyükçekmece. Experienced center had an "open" contract with Mega Leks, so he was able to negotiate with any other club. Eventually, when he received a lucrative offer from Istanbul, he decided to continue career in Turkey.

"Time that I have spent in Mega Leks is one of the best periods in my career. Atmosphere in the team was fantastic, I had a great relationship with the coach and my teammates, and I have to say that Mega Leks have some very healthy relations inside the squad. That is why I am happy and sad at the same time now when I am leaving. I am happy because I signed with a good foreign club, while I am sad because I am leaving a great team such as Mega Leks," stated Samardžiski at his last training with Mega Leks and then added:

"The fact that I had an open contract did not affect my performance. I gave my best at every game, played with all of my heart, simply because all the other players had that kind of approach. As the most experienced player in the team I was trying to give an example to the boys and to push them forward when they needed me the most. I believe that I managed to do that."

Samardžiski played on 7 games in ABA League this season. He was averaging 10,6 points and 6,6 rebounds, which certainly helped this young team of Mega Leks to reach the third place after 9 rounds.

"I am very grateful to Dejan Milojević on providing me some fantastic work in the last two months. In that short amount of time I raised my skills significantly and reached game level that I have never reached before in my career. Dejan really has a special approach with his players and a specific ways of training. He absolutely understands basketball, as he was a player himself. I am sure that I will be just one of many players who will be forever grateful to Milojević because of his world-class work. I would love to work with him individually over the summer, because that would be invaluable experience," said Samardžiski and sent the final message to Mega Leks:

"Mega Leks have got into my heart and I will keep following them. I wish them all the best in the battle for the Playoffs. Despite having only young players, this team have showed character and I believe that they will manage to finish the regular season at some of the top four spots, which would indeed be a great success."

Now when Samardžiski left the team, the oldest player in Mega Leks will be 22-year-old Danilo Nikolić.


Samardžiski Megi zahvalan na svemu

Predrag Samardžiski novi je član turskog prvoligaša Buyukcekmece. Iskusni centar imao je otvoreni ugovor sa Mega Leksom i posle unosne ponude ekipe iz Istranbula seli se u Tursku.

- Vreme koje sam proveo u Megi je jedan od najlepših perioda u mojoj karijeri. Atmsofera je bila fantastična, imao sam sjajan odnos sa trenerom i saigračima i moram da istaknem da u Megi vladaju izuzetno zdravi odnosi. Zato moram da kažem da sam u isto vreme srećan, ali i pomalo tužan što dolazim. Srećan, jer sam našao dobar inostrani angažman, a tužan jer napuštam sjajan tim kakav je Mega Leks - rekao je nakon poslednjeg treninga sa ekipom Samardžiski i dodao:

- To što sam imao otvoren ugovor ni na koji način nije uticalo na moje igre. Davao sam sve od sebe, igrao za tim svim srcem i tako pristupao svakoj utakmici jer su takav pristup imali i svi ostali igrači. Kao najisuksuniji u ekipi sam se trudio da dam primer momcima i da kada najpotrebnije povučem najviše. Verujem da sam u tome i uspeo.

Samardžiski je na sedam utakmica u ABA ligi prosečno beležio 10,6 poena i 6,6 skokova po meču i u značajnoj meri je pomogao mladom timu Dejana Milojevića da u prvih devet kola regionalnog takmičenja upiše čak šest pobeda i bude na deobi trećeg mesta:

- Veoma sam zahvalan Dejanu Milojeviću na fanstastičnom radu koji mi je pružio za ova dva meseca. Za to kratko vreme sam značajno podigao svoju igru i došao do nivoa koji nikada pre nisam dosegao u svojoj karijeri. Dejan zaista ima poseban pristup igračima i specifičan način treninga. Apsolutnoi razume košarku pošto je bio igrač. Siguran sam da sam ja samo jedan od košarkaša u nizu koji će mu biti večno zahvalni zbog vrhunskog rada i tretmana. Voleo bih tokom leta da sa njim individualno treniram jer je to neprocenjivo i nadam se da će mi se ta želja ispuniti - konstatovao je Samardžiski i na kraju poručio:

- Mega mi je prirasla srcu i nastaviću da je pratim. Želim joj sve najbolje u daljoj borbi za plej-of. Ova ekipa je pokazala karakter iako je sačinjena od veoma mladih momaka i verujem da će uspeti da izbori plasman među četiri najbolje u ABA ligi što bi bio pravi podvig.

Odlaskom makedanskog reprezentativca najstariji igrač u redovima Mege u nastavku sezone biće 22-godišnji Danilo Nikolić.
