Jovović: "Two points are always identical"

Sunday, 15. November 2015 at 13:00

Igor Jovović, Budućnost VOLI head coach, was not entirely satisfied with the performance of his team in the game against MZT Skopje Aerodrom, but he expressed his satisfaction with the new victory, that keeps his team at the top of the standings.

Igor Jovović, Budućnost VOLI head coach, was not entirely satisfied with the performance of his team in the game against MZT Skopje Aerodrom, but he expressed his satisfaction with the new victory, that keeps his team at the top of the standings.

"We did not demonstrate a fantastic basketball, but points from this kind of a game are identical to the ones in the other games. A tough rhythm of games, that we found ourselves in, has left its mark on our team. We are beginning to lack freshness. Also, there are illnesses of Dragićević and šehović, that should be mentioned. We did not close the paint in the best possible way in the first half and even the flow of the ball wasn't at our best, but later it improved," Jovović told after the clash against MZT Skopje Aerodrom.

Read more HERE.


Jovović: "Dva boda su uvek identična"

Igor Jovović, trener Budućnosti VOLI nije bio sasvim zadovoljan predstavom njegove ekipe u utakmici protiv MZT Skopje Aerodroma, ali je izrazio zadovoljstvo novom pobedom, koja održava njegov tim na vrhu tabele.

"Nije bila blistava košarka, ali bodovi iz ovakvog meča identični su ostalim utakmicama. Težak ritam u kome smo, odražava se na našu ekipu, kojoj je počelo da nedostaje svježine. Nadovezale su se i bolesti Dragićevića i šehovića. Katastrofalno smo gradili reket u prvom poluvremenu, a ni protok lopte večeras nije bio dobar, ali je poslije bilo bolje," rekao je Jovović nakon duela sa MZT Skopje Aerodromom.

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