Matic Rebec reinforced Krka

Saturday, 19. December 2015 at 12:31

After agreeing to terminate their cooperation with Dušan Katnić on mutual consent, Krka management have decided to bring a promising Slovenian national team player, point guard Matic Rebec, at the empty spot.

After agreeing to terminate their cooperation with Dušan Katnić on mutual consent, Krka management have decided to bring a promising Slovenian national team player, point guard Matic Rebec, at the empty spot.

Matic, who was born in Postojna, has been playing for Helios Domžale since his 14th year of age. From there he moved to Rogaška last summer, the team that is currently placed at the top of the standings in Slovenian national championship. After 7 rounds played, Rebec is the top passer of the league with 9 assists made per game, while adding 15.4 points and 2.4 rebounds per game.

He also had a successful national team career in the younger categories of Slovenia national team. He was at or near the top in almost every category at 2014 U20 European Championship, while in 2014 he was a member of Slovenia national team preliminary squad.


Matic Rebec okrepil novomeško Krko

Po sporazumni prekinitvi pogodbe z Dušanom Katnićem so se v Krki odločili, da na njegovo mesto pripeljemo perspektivnega slovenskega reprezentanta, organizatorja igre Matica Rebca.

Matic, rojen v Postojni, je vse od svojega 14. leta igral v Heliosu iz Domžal. Od tam se je na začetku letošnje sezone preselil v Rogaško, ki trenutno zaseda 1. mesto v slovenski ligi. Po 7 odigranih tekmah je vodilni podajalec slovenskega državnega prvenstva z 9 podajami na tekmo, tem pa je dodal še 15,4 točk in 2,4 skoka.

Za njim je tudi uspešna reprezentančna kariera v mlajših selekcijah, kjer je bil med vodilnimi igralci v vseh kategorijah med igralci na evropskem prvenstvu do 20 let leta 2014, v letu 2014 pa se je uvrstil tudi v člansko reprezentanco Slovenije.
