FAN MAIL: Nemanja Dangubić – “Djoković, just for a day”

Thursday, 21. April 2016 at 16:50

Nemanja Dangubić of Crvena zvezda Telekom has answered on your questions! Read the full text and find out why he is wearing No. 6, how he can jump so high, and most importantly, where he will play in the next season…

Nemanja Dangubić of Crvena zvezda Telekom has answered on your questions! Read the full text and find out why he is wearing No. 6, how he can jump so high, and most importantly, where he will play in the next season…

Which sport do you follow apart from basketball?

Mostly football, English Premier League. Leicester City or Tottenham Hotspur? It's the same to me, it will be a close race until the end. At least it is interesting as someone new will take the title after so many years. Also, I watch tennis from time to time.

Why do you wear No. 6?

There is no particular reason. Actually, I have chosen No. 6 because of the size of the jersey! When I came to Mega, the No. 6 was the only XL size, so it fitted me perfectly. From that moment, I am wearing that number.

How many consecutive three-pointers have you managed to score on training and how many have you made during the game?

My personal best in 19 on training. But, that is not even close to the team record in this season, as Marko Gudurić made I think 38 three-pointers in a row, while Nikola Rebić is just behind him. Speaking about the matches, I think I scored 5 in row once.

What is your favorite chant of Crvena zvezda fans?

"Ajde, igraj i bori se.

In which club would you like to play one day?

Well, I haven"t been thinking about that. But, let me say that I would like to play in San Antonio Spurs one day. Together with Boban Marjanović. :)

If you could choose to be someone else for a day, who would you choose?

Novak Djoković.

Where do you go out during your free time?

I often go to cinema with my girlfriend.

Do you follow the football section of Crvena zvezda and do you think that you could manage to play one game for the team coached by Miodrag Božović?

Actually, when I was a kid I really wanted to be a goalkeeper! I had the gloves and all the equipment, but eventually I decided to play basketball. So, Damir Kahriman (FC Crvena zvezda goalkeeper) should not be worried. :)

What are your ambitions when speaking about NBA?

There is definitely a huge desire to play one day in the NBA, and I am working every day to fulfill that dream.

How is it possible that you jump so high?

Mostly because of the genetics, but generally in modern basketball the players are doing a lot on their physical preparation. Without that, you simply can"t play on high level nowadays. Still, I do not think that I have been doing some special jumping exercises. I have been doing the same things as the other players.

Is it true that you have a brother who trains high diving?

Haha, it is true that I have a brother, but he is not doing anything like high diving. He is studying, he is not that extreme…

Who is the best basketball player in the world and who is the best in Europe, according to you?

Stephen Curry is the best player in the world by my opinion, while in Europe… Let"s say Miloš Teodosić.

Do you have any post-career plans?

It"s like my mom sent this questions. :) No, I do not have any special plans at the moment, I just want to play basketball as long as I can. After that I will think of something.

How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

Entertaining, hard-working, friendly, emotional… and the guy who can jump pretty high.

Will you stay in Crvena zvezda Telekom for the next season?

Yes, I am definitely staying.


FAN MAIL: Nemanja Dangubić - "Djoković na jedan dan”

Nemanja Dangubić, igrač Crvene zvezde Telekom, je odgovorio na vaša pitanja! Pročitajte ceo tekst i saznajte zašto nosi broj 6 na dresu, kako je moguće da skače toliko visoko i, verovatno najvažnije, gde će igrati naredne sezone...

Koji sport pratite osim košarke?

Uglavnom fudbal i Premijer ligu. Lester ili Totenhem? Svejedno, biće neizvesno do kraja. Bar je zanimljivo što konačno neko novi uzima titulu. Pored fudbala malo pratim i tenis.

Zašto nosite broj 6 na dresu?

Nema neki poseban razlog. Zapravo odlučio sam se za broj 6 zbog veličine dresa! Kada sam došao u Megu šestica je bila XL dres koji mi je odgovarao i eto od tada nosim taj broj.

Koji je vaš rekord u broju vezanih trojki na treningu, a koji na utakmicama?

Vezao sam 19 na treningu... Ipak daleko sam od rekorda koji ove sezone drži Gudurić sa čini mi se 38. Rebić je odmah iza njega. Na utakmici mislim da sam najviše 5 trojki vezao.

Koja vam je omiljena pesma sa Severa?

"Ajde, igraj i bori se...

O kom klubu biste voleli da igrate jednog dana, a da nije Zvezda?

Uf, nisam razmišljao o tome. Ali hajde da kažem da bih voleo jednog dana da igram za San Antonio. Sa Bobijem. :)

Kada biste mogli da izaberete da budete neko drugi na jedan dan, koga biste izabrali?

Novak Djoković.

Gde izlazite kad imate slobodnog vremena?

Često idem u bioskop sa devojkom.

Da li pratite fudbalski klub i da li mislite da biste mogli da odigrate jednu utakmicu pod dirigentskom palicom Grofa Božovića?

Kao mali sam se ložio da budem golman! Imo sam i rukavice i svu opremu, ali otišao sam na basket. Tako da ne treba Kahriman da se brine :)

Kakve su vaše ambicije vezane za NBA ligu?

Sigurno da postoji velika želja da jednog dana igram u NBA ligi i svaki dan radim na tome da tu želju i ostvarim.

šta je doprinelo vašem odličnom odrazu? Kako je moguće da skačete toliko?

Ima svega po malo. Genetike najviše, ali se i generalno u modernoj košarci radi dosta na fizičkoj spremi. Bez toga je nezamislivo igrati danas. Ipak, nikada nisam radio nešto posebno za svoj odraz, trenirao sam isto kao i svi drugi igrači.

Da li je istina da imate brata i da se on bavi egzibicionim skokovima u vodu?

Haha, imam brata, ali se ne bavi skokovima u vodu. On studira, nije toliko ekstreman.

Ko je po vašem mišljenju najbolji košarkaš na svetu, a ko u Evropi?

Trentuno na svetu mislim da je najbolji Stef Kari, a u Evropi neka bude Teodosić.

Da li imate nekakve planove za svoj život nakon završetka karijere?

Ovo kao mama da me je pitala. :) Nemam trenutno, voleo bih da igram košarku što duže. Posle ću već nešto smisliti.

Opišite sebe u 5 reči.

Zabavan, vredan, druželjubiv, emotivan i ... neka bude skočan.

Da li ostajete u Crvenoj zvezdi Telekom i naredne sezone.

Ostajem sigurno.
