Gašper Okorn in charge of Union Olimpija senior team

Thursday, 11. August 2016 at 16:31

In the 2016/17 season Union Olimpija will be led by the new head coach Gašper Okorn.

In the 2016/17 season Union Olimpija will be led by the new head coach Gašper Okorn.

Union Olimpija senior team, that will participaete in ABA League, Slovenian National Championship and the Eurocup next season, will be led by 43-year old Slovenian coach Gašper Okorn, that was in charge of Union Olimpija before, when he was both the assistant coach and head coach at the Ljubljana ABA League side. The rest of the members of the coaching staff will be revealed in the forthcoming days.

Gašper Okorn spoke about the challenge that awaits him in Ljubljana: "I am aware of the meaning of being the head coach of Union Olimpija. I took the challenge with happiness and pride regardless of the position that the club is in. I thank the club's management for the trust put in me. There is a lot of work ahead of us and we will get up to it with positive energy. We aren't able to speak of the roster, goals and everything else yet and for the beginning we will gather in Stožice the players that are under contract with the club in both senior and youth categories."

Okorn signed a one-year contract with the team from Ljubljana and he will take over the helm of the team on 16 August, when the training camp ahead of the new season will begin.


Union Olimpijo bo v sezoni 2016/2017 vodil Gašper Okorn

V sezoni 2016/2017 bo članski pogon Uniona Olimpije vodil novi trener Gašper Okorn.

Članski pogon Uniona Olimpije, ki bo v sezoni 2016/2017 igral v ligi ABA, slovenskem prvenstvu in EuroCupu, bo vodil 43 - letni slovenski trener Gašper Okorn, ki je v preteklosti že bil del najtrofejnejšega slovenskega košarkarskega kolektiva kot pomočnik in glavni trener. Preostali člani strokovnega štaba bodo znani v prihodnjih dneh.

Gašper Okorn je spregovoril o izzivu, ki je pred njem: "Zavedam se, kaj pomeni voditi Union Olimpijo. Ponujen izziv sem sprejel z veseljem in ponosom ne glede na stanje, v katerem se klub nahaja. Zahvaljujem se klubskemu vodstvu za zaupanje, pred nami je veliko dela, ki se ga bomo lotili s pozitivno energijo. O sestavi ekipe, ciljih in ostalem bomo lahko več povedali šele čez nekaj časa, za začetek pa bomo zbrali v Stožicah igralce, s katerimi klub razpolaga v članski in mladinski konkurenci in jim dodali nekaj fantov na preizkušnje."

Okorn je z Ljubljančani podpisal enoletno pogodbo, krmilo moštva pa bo prevzel 16. avgusta, ko se bodo pričele priprave na novo sezono.