INTERVIEW: Rebec - “We are ready for the game against Cibona”

Friday, 10. March 2017 at 11:59

The game of the season is approaching for Krka and nothing else than victory will count for the Novo mesto side in the last game against Cibona. We spoke with the team’s star Matic Rebec ahead of the important clash. He claims that the team are aware of the importance of the challenge and that they are ready.

Matic Rebec (Photo: FMP)

Read more in the lines below.

Ahead of you is the last game of the season in the ABA League. What is the atmosphere on the team like at the moment and are you already getting ready for the game against Cibona?

“After beating Zlatorog in Slovenian championship, we can focus now on the game against Cibona. The atmosphere is great. We are aware of the importance of the game and we are ready for it.”

Recently the new head coach Simon Petrov took over your team – what changes did he bring to your game and to the training process?

“There are couple of changes and every new head coach brings new energy to the team. As far as my game is concerned, the new coach expects higher aggressiveness from me – both on the defensive and offensive ends.”

In the first game against Cibona you suffered a tough defeat. However, at that point you have played without Marko Luković and they have still had Ante Žižić on their roster. Do you expect a different kind of a contest this time?

“Playing without Marko Luković was definitely a huge handicap for us at that game. The game will be tough, since Cibona have excellent team even without Žižić. However, the only thing that counts for us this time is a win.”

What is the atmosphere like in Novo mesto concerning basketball? Do you feel any pressure or support outside your hall before the approaching game of the season?

“All of the players are aware of the importance of the game and we hope that our fans will be there to help us at the game.”

This season you have accomplished full affirmation with the basketball fans within the region and even broader. Do you feel that you have made a step forward in your game and where did you make the biggest progress?

“I believe that my game has developed furtherly this season. With every new game I wish to demonstrate a better performance than in the last one, but I am aware of the fact that I still can improve many things both on offensive as well as defensive part of my game.”


Matic Rebec: "Zavedamo se pomembnosti tekme proti Ciboni in smo nanjo pripravljeni"

Pred Krko je najpomembnejša tekma sezone in le zmaga šteje za novomeško moštvo na tekmi s Cibono. Pogovarjali smo se s prvim zvezdnikom moštva Maticem Rebcem pred pomembno tekmo. Trdi da se v moštvu zavedajo pomembnosti obračuna in da so nanj pripravljeni.

Več si preberite v spodnjih vrsticah.

Pred vami je zadnja tekma sezone v ligi ABA. Kakšno je trenutno vzdušje v moštvu in ali se že pripravljate na pomembno srečanje s Cibono?

"Po zmagi nad Zlatorogom lahko mislimo naprej, torej na nedeljsko tekmo s Cibono. Vzdušje v ekipi je pravo, zavedamo se pomembnosti tekme in pripravljeni smo na njo."

Pred kratkim je vodenje moštva prevzel novi trener Simon Petrov – kakšne spremembe je to prineslo v vašo igro, način dela?

"Nekaj sprememb je, vsak trener pa prinese v ekipo neko svojo energijo. Od mene pa trener pričakuje še večjo agresivnost, tako v napadu, kot v obrambi."

V prvem obračunu s Cibono ste zabeležili prepričljiv poraz, a takrat ste vi igrali brez Lukovića, oni pa z Antejem Žižićem. Kako drugačen obračun pričakujete tokrat?

"Brez dvoma je bila odsotnost Marka Lukovića na prvi tekmi za nas velik hendikep. Tekma bo težka, Cibona ima tudi brez Žižića kvalitetno ekipo, ampak ne glede na to, za nas v tem trenutku šteje le zmaga."

Kakšno je trenutno košarkarsko vzdušje v Novem mestu? Je izven dvorane čutiti kaj pritiska ali dodatne podpore pred to tekmo sezone, ki se za vas bliža?

"Igralci se zavedamo pomembnosti te tekme in upamo, da nam bodo navijači pri tem pomagali."

V tej sezoni so vas po zaslugi vaših individualnih vrhunskih predstav dodobra spoznali vsi ljubitelji košarke v regiji, pa tudi širše. Imate občutek da ste v tej sezoni naredili osebno korak naprej v svoji igri in v katerih elementih ste najbolj napredovali?

"Mislim, da sem v tej sezoni naredil korak naprej v svoji igri. Vsako tekmo želim pokazati boljšo igro in zavedam se, da imam še rezerve tako v napadu, kot v obrambi."
