INTERVIEW: Savović – “Packed Morača will motivate us additionally”

Thursday, 23. March 2017 at 11:00

Budućnost VOLI readily expects their game of the season – at home court of Morača Hall against Crvena zvezda mts. After the defeat in the first semi-final game, Budućnost VOLI has an imperative of winning.

Boris Savovic (Photo: Buducnost VOLI)

We have spoken with Budućnost VOLI player Boris Savović about the importance of the game and his expectations.

Read more in the lines below.

The first game of the semi-finals is behind you. How do you see it a few days after it has finished. Are you disappointed with the outcome and do you feel like you could have achieved a better result in Belgrade.

“A tough game is behind us and Zvezda played fantastic throughout the 40 minutes and in the end deservedly won.”

Where do you see the reserves in your team’s game?

“We have to play more aggressive on the defensive end and cannot allow ourselves to have “empty minutes”. The teams like Zvezda take advantage of every mistake you make.”

Can Budućnost VOLI bounce back in the second game of the semi-final series? How would you estimate your chances to tie the series talking in percentage?

“We have to enforce our rhythm of the game in Podgorica and to play tough.”

What is the feeling like to play in packed Aleksandar Nikolić Hall in Belgrade and do you expect a similar atmosphere in the second game in Morača?

“I expect Morača to be filled until the last spot and for sure it will be an additional motive for us.”

You have worn the Crvena zvezda mts jersey before. Do the games against your former club have and additional importance for you?

“Every game has its own charm, especially the ones in the Playoffs for which we have been preparing throughout the season.”


Boris Savović: „Puna Morača će za nas biti još motiv više“

Budućnost VOLI spremno dočekuje utakmicu sezone – na domaćem parketu dvorane Morača protiv Crvene zvezde mts. Nakon poraza u prvoj utakmici polufinala, Budućnost VOLI je pred imperativom pobjede.

O značaju utakmice i očekivanjima smo razgovarali sa igračem Budućnosti Borisom Savovićem.

Pročitajte više u donjim redovima.

Iza vas je prva utakmica polufinala. Kakva su vaša osjećanja par dana nakon nje. Da li ste razočarani ishodom i da li imate osjećaj da ste mogli da postignete bolji rezultat u Beogradu?

"Iza nas je teška utakmica koju je Zvezda odigrala odlično svih 40 minuta."

Gdje prije druge utakmice vidite rezerve svog tima u igri?

"Moramo da odigramo agresivnije u odbrani i ne smijemo da imamo praznih minuta. Ekipe kao što je Zvezda iskoriste svaki trenutak praznog hoda."

Da li Budućnost VOLI može da dođe do pobjede u drugoj utakmici polufinalne serije? Kako biste procijenili svoje šanse za izjednačenje u seriji u procentima?

"U Podogrici moramo da nametnemo nas ritam igre i da odigramo čvrstu utakmicu."

Kakav je osjećaj bio igrati u prepunoj dvorani Aleksandra Nikolića u Beogradu i da li očekujete sličnu atmosferu u uzvratnoj utakmici u Morači?

"Očekujem prepunu Moraču i sigurno da će to za nas da bude još jedan motiv više."

Vi ste u prošlosti nosili i dres Crvene zvezde mts. Da li utakmice protiv tog vašeg bivšeg kluba zbog te činjenice imaju posebnu težinu i draž?

"Svaka utakmica ima svoju draž, a posebno ove utakmice u plej-ofu za koje smo se svi spremali tokom cijele godine."
