Džanan Musa three more years with Cedevita

Tuesday, 09. May 2017 at 15:39

After he arrived to Cedevita from KK Koš of BiH, Džanan Musa profiled himself as one of the best youngsters of Europe. Swiftly, he won his place at Cedevita and today he is an irreplaceable member of the team that played in the ABA League Finals.

Dzanan Musa (Photo: Union Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

In the meantime, he became a member of Bosnia and Herzegovina senior national team as well before he has just turned 18 years old and signed his first professional contract, extending the cooperation with Cedevita for three more years.

“I am extremely happy and pleased to have signed the contract and I am hoping that this cooperation would continue the way it went by now,” Džanan Musa told when signing a new deal. “I have made progress during the past two season in the club and got the opportunity to reveal my full potential. I need to work more to develop and I will devote the following months to individual practices, in order to prepare for the new season with Cedevita as well as possible.”

For sure there have been many offers for one of the best 18-year olds in Europe. How and why did he choose to continue with Cedevita? “Since I have a joint history with the club, we are all here like one big family,” Musa told and added something about the expectations for the future with the club: “I place the team above everything else and the team needs to attack the trophy in the ABA League in the new season and we must win the trophy. In EuroCup we need to get as far as possible and we of course must win the trophies on domestic scene to confirm the ones from the past.”


Džanan Musa još 3 godine u Cedeviti

Nakon što je stigao u Cedevitu iz KK Koša iz BiH, Džanan Musa isprofilirao se u jednog od najboljih igrača Europe u svom godištu. Vrlo brzo izborio je seniorski dres kluba a danas je neizostavni član momčadi koja je zaigrala i u finalu ABA lige.

U međuvremenu je dogurao i do seniorske reprezentacije Bosne i Hercegovine a upravo je proslavio i 18. rođendan te potpisao prvi profesionalni ugovor vezavši se uz Cedevitu na tri godine.

"Iznimno sam sretan i zadovoljan ovim potpisom, nadam se da će se suradnja i dalje nastaviti na način kako je bilo i do sada", prilikom potpisa rekao je Džanan Musa. "Napredovao sam u posljednje dvije godine u klubu i dobio priliku da pokažem sve što znam. Treba puno raditi da se stasa i sljedeće mjesece posvetit ću treningu kako bi se što bolje pripremio za novu sezonu u Cedeviti."

Zasigurno je bilo mnoštvo ponuda za jednog od ponajboljih osamnaestogodišnjaka Europe, kako, zašto baš Cedevita? "Zato jer imam zajedničku povijest sa klubom, ovdje smo svi kao jedna obitelj. Treba još puno raditi a kao i svaka ljubav treba se njegovati,“ izjavio je Musa i dodao još nešto o očekivanjima za budućnost: "Prije svega na prvo mjesto stavljam momčad a momčad mora u novoj sezoni napasti ABA ligu i da osvojimo trofej. U Eurokupu treba stići što dalje uz trofeje u Hrvatskoj koje stalno moramo potvrđivati."
