Željko Šakić moves from Cibona to Cluj

Friday, 23. June 2017 at 17:06

Cibona have stayed without their top scorer from the 2016/17 ABA League season. 

Zeljko Sakic (Photo: Cibona/Zeljko Baksaj & Gordan Lausic)

Unfrortunately for Cibona fans, Željko Šakić will not remain in the team for the next season. Experienced power forward decided it was time fo him to move on, so he accepted the offer from the Romanian champions U-Banca Transilvania Cluj.

"I have accepted the offer from Cluj, because it is a big club with huge ambitions. I hope that in the next season we will be able to reach the playoffs stage of the European competitions. I will do everything to help the team as much as I can and I hope we will fulfill our goals in the upcoming season," said Šakić.

Željko Šakić was the top scorer of Cibona in the 2016/17 ABA League season, as he averaged 13.9 points per game.


Šakić napustio Cibonu

Cibona je ostala bez svog najboljeg strelca is prethodne sezone, pošto je Željko Šakić odlučio prihvatiti ponudu rumunjskog prvaka U-Banca Transilvania Cluj-Napoca.

- Došao sam u Cluj zato što se radi o velikom klubu koji iz godine u godinu ima ambiciju osvajati naslove. Nadam se da ćemo naredne sezone doći i do daljnjih faza europskih natjecanja. Želim pomoći momčadi koliko god mogu, te se nadam da ću ispuniti svoje ciljeve u narednoj sezoni – rekao je bivši Vuk za službene stranice svog novog kluba.
