Zvezda keep their defensive specialist - Branko Lazić signs new 2-year deal

Thursday, 13. July 2017 at 18:38

This is definitely the best possible news for all Crvena zvezda mts fans - Their favorite Branko Lazić has decided to extend his contract with the club. He will also become the new team captain.

Branko Lazic (Photo: Crvena zvezda mts)

It is official! Branko Lazić has extended his contract with Crvena zvezda mts for two more years. He will therefore continue his red & white adventure, which has started back in 2011, while the club also announced that Lazić will become the new team captain.

Over the past 6 seasons, Lazić has grown into one of the best defenders in the entire Europe, while he helped Crvena zvezda mts win three consecutive regional titles.

In the previous season Lazić averaged 5.7 points, 2,4 rebounds, 1.2 assists and 1.3 steals per match in ABA League.


Branku Laziću novi ugovor i kapitenska traka!

Igrač sa najdužim stažom u crveno-belom dresu, Branko Lazić, potpisao je u četvrtak uveče novi dvogodišnji ugovor sa Crvenom zvezdom. Lazić je i novi kapiten.

Lazić je od 2011. godine, kada je postao prvotimac Crvene zvezde, bio jedan od stubova i temelja napretka, i kasnijih uspeha kluba. Sa Crvenom zvezdom je osvojio 10 trofeja (3 titule prvaka Srbije, 3 titule prvaka ABA lige i 4 kupa Radivoja Koraća).

Takođe, u crveno-belom dresu je imao mnogo uspeha i u međunarodnim tamičenjima, igrao je polufinale Evrokupa, kao i četvrtfinale Evrolige u sezoni 2015/2016, a smatra se i jednim od najboljih defanzivaca Evrolige.

Branko Lazić je do sada odigrao u dresu Crvene zvezde mts čak 391. utakmicu, a od sledeće sezone imaće i još jednu veliku ulogu, pošto će biti i novi kapiten crveno-belih!

