Naglić is staying Zadar head coach

Friday, 14. July 2017 at 15:13

Aramis Naglić will remain Zadar head coach. One-year cooperation was agreed between the club and the coach and the tactician from Rijeka will lead Zadar squad into the 2017/18 season.

Aramis Naglic (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin)

“I am happy to remain Zadar head coach, even though I am not delighted that it lasted as long for a decision to be made. We do not have much time, but need to get to work immediately, we need to agree on the schedule of training camps and on our appearances at the tournaments and also need to define the outlook of the squad for next season as soon as possible. For sure the main task is to keep Jakov Vladović. I wish to have as much Zadar-born players withing the squad as possible and we will get busy over the next few days,” the coach of Zadar told.

Aramis Naglić took over the bench of Zadar in the second part of the 2016/17 season and managed to avoid relegation from the ABA League with the team from Višnjik.


Naglić ostaje trener Zadra

Aramis Naglić ostaje na klupi Zadra. S njim je dogovoren nastavak suradnje na godinu dana, te će riječki stručnjak povesti Zadrane u sezonu 2017/18.

„Drago mi je ću i dalje biti trener Zadra, iako mi je krivo što se postizanje dogovora ovako oduljilo. Nemamo puno vremena, već trebamo odmah zasukati rukave, dogovoriti pripreme i nastupe na turnirima, ali prije svega što prije definirati sastav prve momčadi. Svakako je prvi cilj zadržati Jakova Vladovića, želim što više Zadrana u momčadi i na tome ćemo poraditi idućih nekoliko dana,“ poručio je novi-stari trener Zadra.

Naglić je preuzeo mjesto na klupi Zadra u drugom dijelu sezone 2016/17 i s momčadi s Višnjika izborio je opstanak u ABA ligi.
