Union Olimpija began preparing for the 2017/18 season

Tuesday, 15. August 2017 at 15:34

The senior squad of Union Olimpija began with their preparations for the 2017/18 ABA League season in Stožice.

(Photo: Union Olimpija)

The senior team of the Dragons have officially begun their training camp ahead of the 2017/18 season. The Ljubljana ABA League side have gathered without some of the team members already in the beginning of August, when they have practiced merely individually and over the past few days the foreign reinforcements have joined them.

At the moment Erjon Kastrati is the only missing player from the senior team and he will join the rest of the squad in a week, after the end of his national team obligations. All of the players are working hard under the guidance of the coaching staff, led by head coach Gašper Okorn, in Stožice Arena.

In September, Union Olimpija has several preparation games scheduled both at home and abroad, mostly behind closed doors, but there will be some of them open to the public as well.


Union Olimpija začela priprave na sezono 2017/18

Članska ekipa Union Olimpije je v Stožicah začela s pripravami na sezono 2017/18.

Članska zasedba Zmajev je uradno začela s pripravami na sezono 2017/18. Ljubljančani so se v nekoliko okrnjeni zasedbi zbrali že na samem začetku avgusta, ko so vadili predvsem individualno, v teh dneh pa so se priključile še tuje okrepitve.

V tem trenutku na pripravah manjka zgolj Erjon Kastrati, ki se zaradi reprezentančnih obveznosti priključi Zmajem naslednji teden. Vsi košarkarji delajo pod skrbnim nadzorom strokovnega vodstva na čelu z glavnim trenerjem Gašperjem Okornom v dvorani Stožice.

V septembru Ljubljančane čaka vrsto pripravljalnih tekem doma in v tujini, večino za zaprtimi vrati, nekaj pa bo tudi odprtih za javnost.
