Dorell Wright moving to Bamberg

Wednesday, 25. October 2017 at 19:30

Dorell Wright has left Igokea and signed with the German EuroLeague side Bamberg.

ABA League j.t.d. logo

Wright arrived to Laktaši at the beginning of October and appeared in four ABA League games, averaging 26.9 points per game.

“Since he has arrived to Igokea, we have had a plan to help Wright to return where he belongs, the NBA. He has helped us a lot, he is such a humble guy, that has arrived to our club and we have all been positively surprised by him and we are glad that he is going step by step on his way to returning in the NBA,” Igor Dodik, the Igokea General Manager told.

Dorell Wright has thanked the club for welcoming him in a way that he did not expect, but his professional obligations are taking him further in his career.


Dorell Wright prelazi u Bamberg

Dorell Wright je napustio Igokeu i poptisao ugovor sa evroligaškim klubom iz Njemačke Bambergom.
Wright je stigao u Laktaše početkom oktobra i odigrao 4 kola ABA lige gdje je prosječno postizao 26,8 poena po meču.

„Od početka kada je dolazio u Igokeu mi smo imali plan da mu pomognemo da se vrati tamo gdje pripada, a to je NBA. On nam je dosta pomogao, on je skroman momak koji je stigao u naš klub i svi smo pozitivno iznenađeni njim i drago nam je što ide stepenicu po stepanicu ka tom svom povratku,“ izjavio je Igor Dodik, generalni menadžer kluba.

Dorell Wright se zahvalio na prijemu u klubu koji je bio iznad njegovih očekivanja, ali profesionalne obaveze ga vode dalje na njegovom putu da se vrati u NBA ligu.
