Ante Nazor is the new head coach of Cibona

Monday, 13. November 2017 at 14:08

ABA League fans know him very well, as he used to work in Zadar and MZT Skopje Aerodrom. 

ABA League j.t.d. logo

It is official! Ante Nazor is the new head coach of Cibona! He will therefore return to ABA League, where he worked in the previous 3 years.

Nazor was the head coach of Zadar from 2014 to 2016, while in the 2016/17 season he was sitting at the bench of MZT Skopje Aerodrom.

Recall that Cibona have recently parted ways with coach Slobodan Subotić, so Nazor will lead the team in the rest of the season.


Ante Nazor novi trener Vukova

Novi trener košarkaškog kluba Cibona je 38-godišnji Ante Nazor, trener pod čijim su vodstvom mlađe hrvatske selekcije u posljednjih pet godina osvojile pet medalja na europskim i svjetskim prvenstvima.

Nazor ima iskustva i u regionalnoj ligi. Prošlu sezonu vodio je momčad MZT-a s kojom je osvojio naslov prvaka Makedonije, dok je prije toga dvije sezone sjedio na klupi Zadra.
