FAN MAIL: Džanan Musa – “My dream is to play in the NBA!”

Thursday, 16. November 2017 at 11:00

In the third edition of ABA League Fan Main for the 2017/18 season, we have hosted Cedevita hot prospect Džanan Musa. One of the most talented youngsters of Europe spoke about his career plans, his preferences in basketball football, BiH national team and more.

Dzanan Musa (Photo: Mega Bemax)

Find out more in the lines below.

What is your opinion on Montenegro National Team?

„I believe that the Montenegro national team is exceptionally strong. They have NBA, EuroLeague and EuroCup players, are well coached and well composed.“

Do you like more Partizan NIS or Crvena zvezda mts?

“I have the same opinion and attitude towards both, no favourites amongst them.”

Which is your favourite club, Cedevita excluded?

“Fenerbahce in Europe, Lakers in the NBA.”

What is your opinion of Pero Antić?

“He is a world-class player, I really like the way he plays. He is an experienced player and can give lots to a young team, as you can learn a lot from a player like him. I respect him a lot.”

Do you think that Crvena zvezda mts can win the ABA League trophy again this season and would you play for Crvena zvezda mts or Partizan NIS at some point of your career?

“I do not believe that they will win the ABA League trophy again, which is completely natural to me, as I play for Cedevita, which is one of the favourites to win the trophy. Regarding the future of my career, you never know where it will take you, but I do not believe that there are big chances for me to play for some of these two clubs.”

How old were you when you began practicing basketball?

“I was six years old.”

Are you planning to play in the EuroLeague in the future?

“If my dream of playing in the NBA comes true, then no. However, if I do not leave to the NBA immediately, this option is open. I would love the most for Cedevita to enter EuroLeague and to play in the EuroLeague with my current team.”

When do you wish to move to the NBA?

“I will attend the first possible draft and I hope that I will get the chance as soon as possible.”

Which team was the toughest one for you to play against in the BiH League in youth categories?


Do you believe that you could gain the role of the key player at Cedevita, the player that the team cannot play without or do you wish to leave this role to other players?

“I would love to be the leader of my team, the player that decides the games in the toughest moments and I believe that I would achieve this with my effort and hard work.”

Are you more talented than Luka Dončić?

“I have no comment to this question, let others be judges of that.”

Can you pick an NBA team according to the current roster, where you see yourself as the future team’s leader. No diplomatic answers please, just the direct name of the team.

“The Lakers are my favourite team so…”

How tall are you without wearing sneakers?

“204 cm.”

Will you enter the NBA Draft at the end of this season and will you move to the NBA immediately or are you planning to stay in Europe for another season?

“I will enter the Draft by the timing of my departure to the NBA is up to the clubs.”

What do you think of the BiH National Team head coach Duško Vujošević as a coach and off the court?

“He is pedantic, a very good educator. He wishes to get the most out of his players, not only on court but also to be cultured, educated and that is his excellent dimension.”

Will the BiH national team qualify for the next European championship?

“I do not know that but we will do everything in our power to make it.”

Which is your favourite football club in BiH and which in Europe?

“In BiH it is FK Sarajevo and in Europe every club for which Džeko plays. I love to see him winning.”

Who was your favourite basketball player when you were still a child?

“Kobe Bryant.”

Ćevapi or pljeskavica?


Who are, besides you of course, the most talented players in the ABA League?

“Kostja Mushidi, Goga Bitadze, Vanja Marinković, Boriša Simanić, Aleksa Radanov, there’s plenty of us…”

Why have you chosen Cedevita years ago, when you were chosing a club to play for?

“Because I am convinced that this is the right way, that I will make the most and the fastest progress at Cedevita. I wasn’t wrong.”

Who are your favourite players at Cedevita?

“I can’t pick the favourite one, as all of them are my favourite, but I hang out the most with Andrija Stipanović.”

What do you like more, to score a three-pointer or to dish out an assist?

“Ha ha, you haven’t really thought that I was going to say an assist…?”


FAN MAIL: Džanan Musa – „Moj san je igrati u NBA ligi“

U trećem izdanju Fan Maila za sezonu 2017/18 ugostili smo Cedevitinu zvijezdu u usponu Džanana Musu. Jedan od najtalentiranijih igrača Evrope pričao je o planovima svoje karijere, svojim omiljenim ekipama u košarci i nogometu, reprezentaciji BiH i više.

Pročitajte više u donjim redovima.

Kakvo je vaše mišljenje o crnogorskoj reprezentaciji?

„Mislim da je crnogorska reprezentacija jako dobra, imaju igrače u NBA, Euroligi, Eurokupu, dobro su vođeni, dobro posloženi.“

Da li vam se više sviđa Partizan NIS ili Crvena zvezda mts?

„Isti odnos imam prema oba kluba, bez favorita među njima.“

Koji vam je omiljeni košarkaški klub, izuzev Cedevitu?

„U Europi Fenerbahče, u NBA Lakersi.“

Kakvo je vaše mišljenje o Peri Antiću?

„On je klasni igrač, stvarno mi se sviđa kako igra. Iskusan je pa može puno dati u mladoj ekipi, od njega se može puno toga naučiti. Jako ga poštujem.“

Da li mislite da će Crvena zvezda mts opet osvojiti titulu šampiona ABA lige i da li bi nekad u karijeri zaigrali za Partizan NIS ili Crvenu zvezdu mts?

„Ne mislim da će osvojiti ABA ligu što je razumljivo s obzirom da igram za Cedevitu koja spada u jednog od favorita za osvajanje tog naslova. Što se tiče gdje bi igrao, zapravo nikad ne znaš kamo će te karijera odvesti ali teško da ću ikada zaigrati za jedan od ta dva kluba.“

Sa koliko godina ste počeli sa treniranjem košarke?

„Sa 6 godina.“

Da li planirate u skorijoj budućnosti zaigrati u Evroligi?

„Ako mi se ostvari mogućnost igranja u NBA što je moj san ne ali ako ne odem u NBA odmah i ta je mogućnost otvorena. Najviše bi volio da Cedevita prođe u Euroligu slijedeće sezone pa da odigram sezonu sa Cedevitom u Euroligi.“

Kada želite da odete u ligu NBA?

„Ići ću na prvi draft pa se nadam što prije moguće.“

Koja ekipa vam je najviše problema stvarala u Ligi BH u mladjim selekcijama?


Da li mislite da bi u Cedeviti uskoro mogli dobiti ulogu najvažnijeg igrača, igrača bez kog se ne može ili prepuštate tu ulogu drugim igračima?

„Volio bih biti lider moje momčadi, igrač koji odlučuje kada je najteže, vjerujem da ću to i postići radom i zalaganjem.“

Da li ste talentovaniji od Luke Dončića?

„Nemam komentar, neka drugi to procjenjuju.“

Da li možete da izaberete NBA tim (trenutni roster) u kojem vidite sebe kao budućeg lidera franšize i ako može bez diplomatskog odgovora već konkretno ime ekipe.

„Lakersi su mi najdraža momčad pa...“

Koliko ste visoki bez patika?

„204 cm.“

Da li ćete se prijaviti na NBA Draft na kraju ove sezone i da li u tom slučaju planirate odmah otići u NBA ili planirate ostati još koju godinu u Evropi?

„Prijavit ću se na draft a što se tiče prelaska u NBA ovisi i o klubovima.“

Šta mislite o selektoru reprezentacije BiH Dušku Vujoševiću, kao treneru i van parketa?

„Pedantan, jako dobar pedagog, želi što više izvući iz svojih igrača, da budu kulturni, obrazovani i to je njegova sjajna dimenzija.“

Da li će se reprezentacija BiH plasirati na sledeće evropsko prvenstvo?

„To ne znam ali dat ćemo sve da se plasiramo.“

Za koji nogometni klub navijate u BiH, a za koji u Evropi?

„FK Sarajevo i za klub u kojem igra Džeko koji volim da pobjeđuje, trenutno za Romu.“

Ko vam je bio omiljeni igrač kad ste još bili dete?

„Kobe Bryant.“

Ćevapi ili pljeskavica?


Ko su po vašem mišljenju najtalentovaniji igrači u ABA ligi, uz vas naravno?

„Kostja Mušidi, Goga Bitadze, Vanja Marinković, Boriša Simanić, Aleksa Radanov, ima nas...“

Zašto ste pre nekoliko godina kad ste dolazili u Cedevitu izabrali baš taj klub?

„Jer sam uvjeren da je to pravi put, da ću u Cedeviti najviše i najbrže napredovati. I nisam se prevario u odluci.“

Ko vam je omiljeni saigrač u Cedeviti?

„Ne mogu nikoga izdvojiti kao omiljen jer su mi svi omiljeni ali nekako se najviše družim i slažem sa Andrijom Stipanovićem.“

Šta vam je draže – postizanje trojke ili asistencije?

„Ha ha, pa niste valjda mislili da ću reći asistencije...?“
