Bostic will be leaving Zadar after the game in Laktaši

Tuesday, 23. January 2018 at 21:00

Zadar and Joshua Bostic have agreed on a mutual contract termination. Both the player and club had an exit clause in the contract by 31 January and the player used it. He will leave the club after the 18th round game in Laktaši.

Josh Bostic (Photo: Zadar/Zvonko Kucelin)

Joshua Bostic averaged 19.2 points, 4 assists and 3.4 rebounds in the ABA League so far.

“Given that he has a valid contract until the end of January, we have agreed with the player that he leaves us after the ABA League game against Igokea in the 18th round. We are thankful for everything that he has done in the jersey of Zadar and wish him lots of luck in his career. We are searching the market and in case we find a player that we can bring in and that would represent a reinforcement for our squad, we will react,” the club’s Director Branimir Longin commented.


Bostic odlazi iz Zadra

Košarkaški klub Zadar i Joshua Bostic dogovorili su sporazumni prekid suradnje. Naime, igrač i klub imali su ugovornu klauzulu po kojoj obje strane mogu raskinuti ugovor do 31. siječnja, po kojoj je američki košarkaš zatražio odlazak.

Bostic je u 14 utakmica u ABA ligi prosječno zabijao 19,2 koševa po utakmici, uz četiri asistencije i 3,4 skoka.

„S obzirom da mu ugovor traje do kraja siječnja, dogovorili smo da odigra još dvije utakmice, prvenstvenu s Cedevitom i ABA ligašku protiv Igokee. Zahvaljujemo mu na svemu što je napravio u dresu Zadra i želimo mu puno sreće u nastavku karijere. Mi promatramo tržište i ako se ukaže prilika da dovedemo igrača koji bi predstavljao pojačanje za našu momčad, svakako ćemo reagirati,“ komentirao je direktor kluba Branimir Longin.
