Battle ends career, leaves Ljubljana

Wednesday, 21. February 2018 at 11:31

American point guard Talor Battle has decided to end his basketball playing career due to constant problems with injuries.

Talor Battle (Photo: Petrol Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

Talor Battle, 29-year old point guard, who joined the ranks of Petrol Olimpija at the beginning of the 2017/18 season, has decided to end his basketball playing career. After the discussions made with the club’s management, he decided for the end especially due to the constant problems with injuries, that he has been suffering lately.

The player and the club have therefore decided to part their ways on mutual consent and have signed a document saying, that the club is entitled to the buyout in case the player changes his mind on retirement and a letter of clearance is issued again for the future of his career.


Battle končal kariero, zapušča Ljubljano

Američan Talor Battle se je odločil, da zaradi nenehnih težav s poškodbami konča svojo košarkarsko pot.

29 – letni ameriški organizator igre Talor Battle, ki je prišel med vrste Petrola Olimpije v začetku sezone 2017/2018, se je po tehtnem premisleku odločil, da konča svojo košarkarsko kariero. Po pogovoru, ki ga je opravil z vodstvom kluba, se je za potezo odločil predvsem zaradi nenehnih težav s poškodbami, ki so ga pestile v zadnjem obdobju.

Talor Battle in Petrol Olimpija sta se sporazumno odločila za prekinitev pogodbe in podpisala dokument, da je klub v primeru preklica košarkarske upokojitve s strani Američana, upravičen do finančnega nadomestila v primeru izdaje izpisnice.
