Džanan Musa: “We have enough quality to go all the way”

Thursday, 15. March 2018 at 12:59

Before the beginning of the ABA League Playoffs, Cedevita’s young gun Džanan Musa spoke of his expectations. He believes that his team have a chance to make this season a historical one – and win the ABA League trophy.

Dzanan Musa (Photo: Cedevita/Marin Susic)

Find out more in the lines below.

It seems that lately you have reached the proper shape – just before the beginning of the Playoffs of the ABA League. What are your feelings and expectations like now when the most important part of the season is approaching?

“I believe that the team is ready. Regarding Playoffs themselves, we are eagerly expecting this first game against Budućnost VOLI. I believe that we have enough quality to go all the way to the end and I hope for us to do it.”

This season you have been playing almost some kind of a “mini league” with Budućnost VOLI, as you have played already 5 games against them and you will play at least 2 more. Does the Podgorica team suit you well as an opponent in the Semi-finals?

“It is difficult to play against one team so many times within just a season. We know them well and they know us well, so it is difficult to perform some tricks against these kinds of teams. I believe that they are one truly quality team, especially since Doellman has joined them lately and he is a seriously good player. So it will be difficult, but I believe that we can reach the Finals.”

Where does the greatest danger come from for your team from your Semi-finals opponents?

“The key player for their game is Nemanja Gordić. He is their most important piece on both defensive and offensive ends. He can put pressure on opposing team’s point guards and his creation on the offense can create many problems for us. I think that this point guard is very important for their game and that he is the key for everything.”

Until now you have played in the ABA League Finals several times, but you still haven’t succeeded in winning the title of the champion. Can this season be historical in this sense?

“I hope that it would, since we have finally made our game to look like we can compete with every single team in the ABA League and EuroCup. I think that Zvezda this season aren’t unbeatable. Last season they were more dominant. This could be seen also in the other games, not only in the ones played against us. So, this season they do have several weak points and in case we reach the Finals we will have our chance there.”


Džanan Musa: „Imamo dovoljnu kvalitetu da odemo do samog kraja“

Prije početka doigravanja u ABA ligi, Cedevitina mlada nada Džanan Musa govorila je o svojim očekivanjima. Vjeruje da njegova momčad ima mogućnost da napravi ovu sezonu historijskom – i osvoji trofej u ABA ligi.

Pročitajte više u donjim redovima.

Čini se da ste u posljednje vreme uhvatili pravu formu – baš prije početka Playoffa ABA lige. Kakva su osjećanja i očekivanja sad kad počinje najbitniji dio sezone?

"Mislim da je ekipa spremna. Što se tiče samog playoffa, željno iščekujemo tu prvu utakmicu protiv Budućnosti VOLI. Mislim da imamo dovoljnu kvalitetu da odemo do samog kraja i nadam se da ćemo to uraditi."

Ove sezone igrate „mini ligu“ sa ekipom Budućnosti VOLI, pošto ste odigrali već 5 utakmica protiv njih, a odigrat ćete još barem dvije. Da li vam podgorička ekipa odgovara kao protivnik u polufinalu?

"Dosta je teško igrati protiv jedne ekipe toliko mnogo puta u jednoj sezoni. Već se poznajemo, tako da je dosta teško izvesti neke nove trikove protiv takvih ekipa. Mislim da su oni jedna jako kvalitetna ekipa, pogotovo zato što su nedavno doveli i Doellmana, jednog ozbiljnog igrača. Tako da će biti dosta teško, ali mislim da možemo otići u finale."

Odakle po vašem mišljenju prijeti najveća opasnost vašoj ekipi sa strane polufinalnog protivnika?

"Mislim da je njihov pokretač igre Nemanja Gordić. On je njihov pokretač napada i obrane. On može u obrani dosta pritisnuti protivničke playmakere, a njegova kreacija u napadu može nam zadati dosta problema. Mislim da je taj jedan playmaker dosta bitan za njih i on je neki pokretač svega."

Do sada ste zabeležili već više nastupa u finalu ABA lige, ali još niste osvojili titulu prvaka ABA lige. Da li ova sezona može postati historijska po tom pitanju?

"Nadam se da hoće jer smo mi napokon doveli igru do neke razine na kojoj možemo igrati sa svim momčadima u ABA ligi i u Eurokupu. Mislim da Zvezda ove sezone nije nepobjediva. Prošle godine su bili dosta nadmoćniji. To se vidjelo i u drugim utakmicama, ne samo sa nama. No, ove sezone imaju poneku slabu točku i mislim da, ako se nađemo u finalu, imamo tamo što tražiti."
