Pavićević: „We are not scared of anyone“

Friday, 16. March 2018 at 15:10

Mornar have qualified for the first time ever for the ABA League Playoffs and therefore playing against Crvena zvezda mts on Sunday night in Belgade will be special.

(Photo: Mornar/Media Pro)

Mihailo Pavićević, Mornar head coach:

„We have achieved our goal with excellent games over the past three months – now everybody knows that Mornar can play against any team. This is a huge compliment for us. For the two years that we have been playing in the ABA League we have already got so many sympathies from all over the region, that we even do not manage to answer all of the congratulations that we receive on daily basis. This is a result of a tremendous atmosphere within the club. We are all like one and that's what makes us extremely proud. It would be weird to threathen Zvezda, that has been a dominant team within the region over the past few years. For sure Zvezda is, not only in comparison to us, but to all of the teams in the ABA League, apsolute favourite, but as I have stated many times before – we are not scared of anyone. And that is for the simple reason, because we know what we are capable of. We will try to give our best. We shall see if this is enough for the win.“

Find out more HERE.


Pavićević: „Ne plašimo se nikoga“

Mornar se po prvi put u svojoj historiji kvalifikovao za plej-of ABA lige, pa će samim tim igranje protiv Crvene zvezde mts u nedelju predstavljati nešto posebno.

Mihailo Pavićević, trener Mornara:

"Mi smo dobrim igrama u protekla tri mjeseca postigli cilj: sad svi misle da Mornar može da igra protiv bilo koje ekipe. To je izuzetan kompliment za nas. Za dvije godine igranja u ABA ligi već smo stekli toliko simpatija u Regionu, da ne stižemo ni da odgovorimo na sve čestitke koje svakodnevno dobijamo. Ovaj rezultat je došao iz jedne sjajne atmosfere koja vlada u klubu. Svi smo kao jedan i na to smo vrlo ponosni. Bilo bi neumjesno da prijetimo Zvezdi, koja je u proteklih nekoliko godina, na ovim prostorima, apsolutno dominantan tim. Zvezda je sigurno, ne samo u odnosu na nas, nego na sve ekipe u ABA ligi, apsolutni favorit, ali kao što sam bezbroj puta rekao - mi se ne plašimo nikog. I to iz prostog razloga što znamo koliko možemo. Nastojaćemo da pružimo maksimum u toj utakmici. Da li će to biti dovoljno za pobjedu, vidjećemo."

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