Džikić: „Morača will be packed to the fullest“

Friday, 30. March 2018 at 12:57

The beginning of one of the most important games of the season for Budućnost VOLI is approaching and in Podgorica they are fully ready ahead of the clash with their rivals, which they have faced 7 times this season. Aleksandar Džikić is pleased since the battle is drawing lots of attention in their town.

Aleksandar Dzikic, Buducnost VOLI team (Photo: Buducnost VOLI)

Aleksandar Džikić, Budućnost VOLI head coach:

„Morača will not be packed, but packed to the fullest. We are calm. Everything that we needed to do we have done. We are calmly waiting for Sunday to come. We have been working all season long to gain this advantage of the home court in the Semi-finals. In the meantime we have been playing the way that we have deserved ourselves a packed arena. Is this pressure? It is. We have chosen it to be this way. Everyone will make mistakes. Both we and them are humans. The team that doesn’t make too many mistakes will win. They have made fewer mistakes in Zagreb and won, it’s simple. We wish to enter the battle for the trophy, for a spot in the Euroleague, it’s all clear here.“

Read more HERE.


Džikić: „Morača neće biti puna, nego najpunija do sada“

Bliži se početak jedne od najbitnijih utakmica u sezoni za Budućnost VOLI i u Podgorici su spremni i mirni prije okršaja sa dobro poznatim rivalom, sa kojim su ove sezone odigrali već čak 7 mečeva. Aleksandar Džikić je zadovoljan što će duel izazvati ogromnu pažnju u njihovom gradu.

Aleksandar Džikić, trener Budućnosti VOLI:

,,Morača neće biti puna, nego najpunija do sada. Što se nas tiče, mi smo mirni. Sve što treba da uradimo mi smo uradili. Čekamo mirni nedjelju. Radili smo cijele godine da imamo tu prednost domaćeg terena u polufinalu. U međuvremenu smo igrali tako da smo zaslužili punu dvoranu. Je li to pritisak? Jeste. To smo mi birali. Svi će griješiti. Ko najmanje bude griješio, pobijediće. Oni su manje griješili u Zagrebu i pobijedili, to je jednostavno. Želimo borbu za titulu, borbu za mjesto u Evroligi, sve je jasno.“

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