Cedevita and Chris Johnson parted ways

Monday, 09. April 2018 at 13:02

Cedevita and American center Chris Johnson have agreed upon the contract termination. As of today, Johnson is a free agent and it is still not known where he would continue his career.

Chris Johnson (Photo: Mornar/Media Pro)

Cedevita Sports Director Matej Mamić has thanked the player on the performances for Cedevita this season and wished him best of luck for the remainder of the season: “We have agreed upon a contract termination. We only have the domestic championship to finish and he is the third foreign player, while we have sensed even with the player that he needs some rest, since he played for a long time without a break, as he played in the Chinese national championship before signing with Cedevita. Additional playing time will open for other players in the remainder of the season thanks to this decision.”

Chris Johnson averaged 9 minutes per game in the ABA League, alongside 3.8 points, 2.6 rebounds and 0.7 assists oer game.


Razišli se Cedevita i Chris Johnson

Cedevita i američki centar Chris Johnson potpisali su sporazumni raskid ugovora. Johnson je od danas slobodan igrač no još nije poznato gdje će nastaviti karijeru.

Sportski direktor Cedevite Matej Mamić zahvalio se igraču na dosadašnjem angažmanu zaželjevši mu puno sreće u budućoj karijeri: "Dogovorili smo sporazumni raskid. Ostali smo samo na hrvatskom prvenstvu a on nam je treći stranac dok se i kod Johnsona osjetilo da mu treba predah s obzirom da je dugo bez odmora igravši, podsjetimo, kinesko prvenstvo prije dolaska kod nas na startu sezone. Time se otvara dodatan prostor na parketu za druge igrače."

Chris Johnson je u dresu Cedevite u ABA ligi u 9 minuta ubacivao 3.8 koševa uz 2.6 skokova i 0.7 asistencije po utakmici.
