Krka extended with Petrol and Jošilo, signed with Balažić

Wednesday, 06. June 2018 at 17:12

After a successful season Krka, that has been thrilling its fans with fighting spirit and desire for excellent results, is starting to build the core of its team for the next season.

(Photo: Krka)

“Next season we wish to improve this season’s results, which means that we are aiming for the upper half of the standings in the ABA League and winning the domestic league and cup trophies,” Krka President Andraž Šuštarič told.

The Novo mesto side have therefore extended their cooperation with head coach Simon Petrov, while also signing a new, multi-year contract with Marko Jošilo, the statistically most efficient player from the last season.

As the club reports, the intensive negotiations are ongoing with several other members of the squad and Paolo Marinelli is also close to agreeing upon new contract. The Novo mesto basketball fans will be at the same time glad to hear that after six seasons spent in Turkey, Jure Balažić is returning home. As a Slovenia national team member he appeared at the 2013 and 2015 EuroBasket tournaments and at 2014 World Cup. Jure stated: “I am happy to be coming home from abroad after several years, to my hometown club. I know that I am returning to an ambitious side with good head coach and good conditions for work. I can’t wait for the new season to begin.”

“Last season Krka has made a plan on its development. I am very pleased to be a part of it in the future as well,” Simon Petrov commented the latest developments within the club.


Krka podaljšala s Petrovom in Jošilom, pripeljala Balažića

Po uspešno zaključeni sezoni pri Krki, ki je letos navduševala gledalce s svojo borbenostjo in željo ter tudi odličnimi rezultati, že postavljajo temelje za naslednjo sezono.

"V prihodnji sezoni želimo izboljšati rezultate iz letošnje, kar pomeni, da ciljamo na uvrstitev v zgornjo polovico Lige ABA, in pa na osvojitev državnega prvenstva ali pokala," je povedal predsednik Krke Andraž Šuštarič.

Novomeški klub je tako podaljšal sodelovanje s trenerjem Simonom Petrovom, hkrati pa je novo večletno sodelovanje sklenil tudi z enim od nosilcev igre iz minule sezone Markom Jošilom, statistično najučinkovitejšim igralcem Krke.

Intenzivni pogovori potekajo tudi z ostalimi igralci, pred podpisom pogodbe pa je po poročanju kluba tudi organizator igre Paolo Marinelli. Ljubitelje novomeške košarke pa bo razveselila novica, da se v klub po šestih letih, ki jih je preživel v Turčiji, vrača domačin Jure Balažić. Kot slovenski reprezentant je nastopal na evropskih prvenstvih leta 2013 in 2015 ter na svetovnem prvenstvu leta 2014. Jure je sporočil: "Veseli me, da se po več letih tujine vračam domov, v svoj matični klub. Vem, da se vračam v ambiciozno sredino z dobrim trenerjem, dobrimi pogoji in urejenimi razmerami. Komaj čakam na začetek nove sezone."

"V pretekli sezoni je Krka začrtala pot, na kakšen način želi delovati in se razvijati. Zelo sem zadovoljen, da bom tudi v prihodnje del tega," pa je dogajanje v klubu pokomentiral Simon Petrov.
