Rebec newcomer in Dragon's lair

Wednesday, 20. June 2018 at 10:59

Petrol Olimpija has added first domestic player to the roster ahead of the new season. Jan Rebec has joined the Dragons. The player has previously successfully worn the jersey of Šenčur Gorenjska gradbena družba.

Zoran Martic (Photo: Buducnost VOLI)

After three foreign reinforcements were added previously, the list of players, that will wear the Petrol Olimpija jersey in the 2018/19 season, is richer for a Slovenian player. Jan Rebec, young 24-year old point guard, that has successfully played for Šenčur Gorenjska gradbena družba in the 2017/18 season, will join the green and white squad.

Jan Rebec has appeared in 30 games in the Slovenian national championship and averaged 10.5 points, 2.6 rebounds and 2 assists per game. His 2-point shot was 59.9% and his 3-point shot was 37%. Rebec has put on an exceptional performance at the semi-final game of the Spar Cup in Tivoli Hall, when he scored no less than six 3-pointers and 20 points in the triumh of his team against Krka (89:82).

Ahead of Petrol Olimpija, 192 cm tall Rebec has played for Šenčur, LTH Castings, Ajdovščina, Pivka and KOŠ Koper.

Jan Rebec was clearly satisfied as the two sides have reached an agreement: „I am glad that I will be joining Petrol Olimpija in the next season. I will try to help the team with all of my power and knowledge, so that we can achieve a lot of great things in the European and Domestic competition. Ljubljana is a great place for my basketball career at this point and I am looking forward to all of the challenges, that the jersey of the Slovenian national champions brings.“


Rebec novi igralec v Zmajevem gnezdu

Košarkarski klub Petrol Olimpija je na seznam igralcev dodal prvega domačega košarkarja. Zmajem se je pred začetkom sezone 2018/19 pridružil Jan Rebec, ki je v minuli sezoni uspešno nosil dres Šenčurja Gorenjske gradbene družbe.

Po treh okrepitvah iz mednarodnih vod, je seznam košarkarjev, ki bodo v sezoni 2018/19 nosili dres Petrol Olimpije, daljši za slovenskega košarkarja. Dres aktualnih državnih prvakov bo nosil Jan Rebec, mladi, 24-letni organizator igre, ki je v sezoni 2017/18 več kot uspešno branil barve Šenčur Gorenjske gradbene družbe.

Jan Rebec je v državnem prvenstvu zaigral na 30 tekmah, v malo več kot 26 minutah igre pa v povprečju dosegal 10,5 točke, 2,6 skoka in 2,0 podaji na tekmo. Ob tem je za dve točki metal kar 59,9-odstotno, za tri pa 37,2-odstotno. Izjemno predstavo je Rebec prikazal na polfinalni tekmi finalnega turnirja Pokala Spar v ljubljanski Hali Tivoli, ko je ob zmagi Šenčurja nad Krko (89:82), zadel kar šest metov za tri točke in bil z 20 točkami najboljši strelec svoje ekipe.

Pred prihodom v Ljubljano je 192 centimetrov visoki Rebec nosil drese Šenčurja, LTH Castingsa, Ajdovščine, Pivke in ŠD KOŠ Kopra.

Ob dogovoru o sodelovanju je Rebec žarel od navdušenja: „Zelo vesel sem, da sem se pridružil Petrol Olimpiji. Ekipi bom skušal z vsemi močmi in znanjem pomagati do čim boljših predstav v evropskih tekmovanjih in na domačem prizorišču. Tudi za moj razvoj je Ljubljana odlična lokacija in veselim se novih izzivov, ki jih prinaša dres aktualnih državnih prvakov.“
