Martić to remain Petrol Olimpija head coach

Wednesday, 27. June 2018 at 20:23

The members of Petrol Olimpija’s Management Board have confirmed Zoran Martić to remain the head coach of the senior team for the next season as well.

Damir Javor, Zoran Martic (Photo: Petrol Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

Zoran Martić took the head coach position at Petrol Olimpija at the beginning of 2018, when the club and former coach Gašper Okorn have agreed on contract termination on mutual consent. With the Ljubljana squad Martić has brought the 2017/18 ABA League season to an end with 10 wins and 12 defeats at the seventh place.

Zoran Martić is also the only Slovenian basketball coach, that has won two trophies with the national teams. In the 1998 he finished second at the U22 European Championship in Trapani, while two years later he became the European champion while leading the U20 National team to the gold in Ohrid. He left his mark as the head coach in many clubs, both at home and abroad. Before coming to Ljubljana he was working at Polish side Trefl Sopot’s bench between 2015 and 2017.

Zoran Martić stated that he was delighted by the trust that he received by the club's management: "I feel flattered as the Management Board have offered me a new chance to prove myself and at the same time it is a huge recognition for me, since the people from the club’s management have characterised the season as successful one. The new season will bring new challenges and I will do my best, together with my assistants, that we would fulfil our goals."


Martić ostaja trener Petrol Olimpije

Člani upravnega odbora KK Petrol Olimpija Ljubljana so na sredini seji potrdili Zorana Martića za glavnega trenerja članskega moštva. Martić, z ekipo je v minuli sezoni osvojil naslov državnega prvaka, bo ekipo tako vodil tudi v sezoni 2018/19.

Mesto glavnega trenerja Petrol Olimpije je Zoran Martić zasedel v začetku koledarskega leta 2018, ko sta se klub in dotedanji trener Gašper Okorn dogovorila za sporazumno prekinitev pogodbe. Z ljubljansko ekipo je Martić v sezoni 2017/18 Ligo ABA z desetimi zmagami in 12 porazi sklenil na sedmem mestu.

Zoran Martić je edini slovenski košarkarski trener, ki je s slovensko izbrano vrsto prišel do dveh odličij. Leta 1998 je bil na evropskem prvenstvu do 22 let v italijanskem Trapaniju drugi, dve leti kasneje pa z reprezentanco do 20 let na Ohridu še evropski prvak. Svoj pečat je kot glavni trener pustil v številnih klubih, tako doma, kot tudi v tujini. Pred prihodom v Ljubljano je med letoma 2015 in 2017 deloval v poljskem Trefl Sopotu.

Zoran Martić, glavni trener Petrol Olimpije:

"Počaščen sem, da mi je upravni odbor kluba ponudil novo priložnost za dokazovanje, hkrati je zame to tudi veliko priznanje, saj so tudi ljudje, ki vodijo Petrol Olimpijo, pred kratkim končano sezono ocenili za uspešno. Nova sezona s seboj seveda prinaša nove izzive, s svojimi sodelavci pa se bom maksimalno potrudil, da bomo zastavljene cilje čim bolj izpolnili."
