Hrovat goes to Germany

Monday, 02. July 2018 at 18:32

Gregor Hrovat, who joined the Petrol Olimpija in 2014, will change the color of his jersey in the light of the 2018/19 season, as he will join the Medi Bayreuth of Germany.

Gregor Hrovat (Photo: Petrol Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

Former Petrol Olimpija’s captain Gregor Hrovat will continue his basketball career in Bavaria, where he will play for Medi Bayreuth. The club which plays in the German’s Bundesliga, will also be a part of the BCL in the next season, but unlike the club from Ljubljana, which already secured the place in the regular season, the Germans will have to make it there through the qualifications, which they will start in the third round.

Hrovat, who played for KOŠ Koper, Helios Suns and Logatec before joining Petrol Olimpija, was one of the key player in the past two seasons on the road to back-to-back National Championship and winning the Slovenian cup in the 2017.

In ABA League he played in 22 matches and averaged 12.0 points, 4.7 assists and 3.3 rebound per game.


Hrovat odhaja v Nemčijo

Gregor Hrovat, ki se je vrstam Petrol Olimpije pridružil leta 2014, bo v prihodnji sezoni nosil dres nemškega prvoligaša Medi Bayreuth.

Nekdanji kapetan Petrol Olimpije Gregor Hrovat bo svojo košarkarsko pot nadaljeval na Bavarskem, kjer bo zaigral za Medi Bayreuth. Nemški prvoligaš bo prihodnjo sezono nastopal v Fibini Ligi prvakov, a za razliko od ljubljanskega kluba, ki že ima zagotovljeno mesto v rednem delu sezone, se bodo morali Nemci tja še prebiti preko kvalifikacij, ki jo bodo začeli v tretjem krogu.

Hrovat, ki je pred prihodom v Ljubljano nosil dres KOŠ Kopra, Helios Suns in Logatca, je bil v minulih dveh sezonah eden izmed ključnih košarkarjev Petrol Olimpije na poti do dveh zaporednih naslovov državnega prvaka in enega naslov pokalnega prvaka.

Na 22 tekmah Lige ABA je v statistiki beležil 12,0 točke, 4,7 podaje in 3,3 skoke na tekmo.
