Jure Lalić will once again wear the green jersey of Krka

Tuesday, 03. July 2018 at 13:35

Experienced center returns to Novo mesto.

Jure Lalic (Photo: MZT Skopje Aerodrom/Dragan Mitreski - Dadi)

Jure Lalić will once again wear the green jersey of Krka, as he officially signed the contract with the team from Novo mesto for the next season.

Lalić is a well-known face in Leon Štukelj Sports Hall. This 32-year old center played for Krka from the middle of the 2011/12 season until the end of the 2012/13 season, while then he returned to the club for the 2015/16 campaign. And now, he is back again!

“I am glad that I returned to a well-organized club such Krka is. I hope that we will have a successful season and I am looking forward to start working with head coach Petrov and with my new teammates,” said Lalić.

Lalić spent the previous two years in MZT Skopje Aerodrom, while he averaged 13.2 points and 5.7 rebounds in the 2017/18 ABA League season.


Jure Lalić ponovno v Krki

V vrste Krke se vrača Jure Lalić. 32-letni in 211 cm visoki center je za novomeški klub prvič zaigral sredi sezone 2011/12, nato pa za Krko igral še celo sezono 2012/13. Drugič je bil član kluba v sezoni 2015/16.

V zadnjih dveh sezonah je igral v skopskem MZT-ju. V zadnji sezoni ABA lige je v povprečno 24 minutah dosegal 13,2 točke in 5,7 skoka na tekmo ter bil z indeksom 16,3 drugi najkoristnejši igralec skopskega kluba.

V svoji karieri ima po 7 naslovov državnih prvakov (poleg dveh slovenskih in makedonskega še dva hrvaška z Zadrom 2005 in 2008, belgijskega z Ostendejem 2009 in poljskega z Zielono Goro 2015) in pokalnih prvakov (poleg slovenskega in makedonskega še tri z Zadrom 2005-2007, belgijskega 2009 in poljskega 2015).

Jure Lalić je sijal od zadovoljstva ob povratku v dvorano Leona Štuklja: „Zadovoljen sem, ker se vračam v poznano sredino in urejen klub, kot je Krka. Upam, da bomo vsi skupaj imeli uspešno sezono. Veselim se začetka priprav in sodelovanja s trenerjem Petrovom in novimi soigralci.“
