Dubljević: "We did not adapt to Partiza's aggressiveness"

Wednesday, 14. October 2015 at 00:23

Sutjeska lost in Belgrade where, ever since that blackout in second quarter, they havent been even close to a victory and after the game the head coach of the guests Dušan Dubljević found the reason for the defeat in failure to adapt to Partizan NIS' aggressive game.

Sutjeska lost in Belgrade where, ever since that blackout in second quarter, they havent been even close to a victory and after the game the head coach of the guests Dušan Dubljević found the reason for the defeat in failure to adapt to Partizan NIS' aggressive game.

"We played with the shortened rotation of players and with only one point guard from the very beginning and it was Pavlićević, who left the court due to cramps. I believe that we have played five games without huge oscillations and that even today we were close to a success, but unfortunately, this kind of second quarter happened to us. We did not adapt to more aggressive game of Partizan NIS, even though we controlled that better in the second half," head coach of the guests Dušan Dubljević analyzed after the game.


Dubljević: "Nismo se adaptirali na agresivniju igru Partizana"

Sutjeska je izgubila u Beogradu gde, nakon loše odigrane druge četvrtine, nije bila ni blizu uspeha. Nakon završetka utakmice, trener gostujućeg tima Dušan Dubljević pronašao je uzrok poraza u neuspešnoj adaptaciji na Partizanovu agresivniju igru.

"Igrali smo sa smanjenim rotacijom i sa jednim plejmejkerom od samog početka, Pavlićevićem koji je izašao zbog grčeva. Smatram da smo pet utakmica odigrali bez velikih oscilacija i bili blizu pobede, možda i večeras da se nije desila ta druga četvrtina. Nismo se adaptirali na agresvniju igru Partizana NIS iako smo u drugom poluvremenu to bolje kontrolisali," analizirao je poraz trener gostujuće ekipe Dušan Dubljević nakon završetka utakmice.