Zack Wright leaves Union Olimpija

Monday, 29. February 2016 at 17:46

American point guard Zack Wright decided to accept the financially better offer of another club, Union Olimpija announced. The transfer will be completed after he undergoes the medical examinations in his new team and after the team pays the buyout to the green and white.

American point guard Zack Wright decided to accept the financially better offer of another club, Union Olimpija announced. The transfer will be completed after he undergoes the medical examinations in his new team and after the team pays the buyout to the green and white.

For Dragons, Zack Wright averaged 9.9 points, 4.7 rebounds and 3.5 assists per game in the ABA League.

At his ferwell from Ljubljana Wright announced: "I thank the club for an opportunity, that I received in Ljubljana. It was an honour for me to play for Union Olimpija, a club that is organized at the top level. I thank my coaches and teammates. Together we went through ups and downs that are a part of team sports.”


Zack Wright zapustil Union Olimpijo

Ameriški organizator igre Zack Wright se je odločil sprejeti finančno bolj ugodno ponudbo drugega kluba, sporoča Union Olimpija. Prestop bo veljaven po uspešno opravljenem zdravniškem pregledu v novem klubu in plačilu odškodnine.

Zack Wright je za zmaje v ligi ABA na 22 tekmah v povprečju dosegal 9,9 točke, 4,7 skoka in 3,5 podaje na tekmo.

Ob slovesu od Ljubljane je Wright dejal: "Zahvaljujem se klubu za priložnost, ki sem jo dobil v Ljubljani, bilo mi je v čast nastopati za Union Olimpijo, za klub, ki je urejen na vrhunskem nivoju. Zahvaljujem se trenerjem in soigralcem, skupaj smo preživeli vse vzpone in padce, ki so sestavni del ekipnega športa."
