Šćepanović: “I will warrant the trust”

Saturday, 25. June 2016 at 13:08

Budućnost VOLI have raised some eyebrows as they have, amongst numerous coaching candidates, appointed the so far unexperienced Vlado šćepanović on the head coaching role at their team for next season.

Budućnost VOLI have raised some eyebrows as they have, amongst numerous coaching candidates, appointed the so far unexperienced Vlado šćepanović on the head coaching role at their team for next season.

However, this kinds of decisions are not new to the Podgorica side, as previously they have done the same with now well established coaching names like Goran Bojanić and Dejan Radonjić, the reigning ABA League champion with Crvena zvezda Telekom.

Vlado šćepanović is a huge name, when it comes to basketball in Podgorica. And if anyone, he deserved himself the credit to start the new chapter of his basketball career where he made the first steps as a basketball player and later continued to develop his skills at powerhouses like Anadolu Efes, Partizan NIS, Skipper Bologna, Panathinaikos and others.

"I am convinced that I will warrant the trust given to me, above all with human relations and later also with sporting motive and work. I am honoured and happy to be back in the club where I established myself on the basketball map as a player, where I matured as a person and player,” told šćepanović at the press conference as he was trusted the role of leader of Budućnost VOLI senior team.

šćepanović is aware that inexperience could be his weakness, but does not give up on high hopes for the next season. What he is betting on is teamwork: "Now I am at the new beginning as a head coach and I will give my best to erase this handicap with quality cooperation with my co-workers within the coaching staff. I expect them to help us to follow the right direction on our path throughout next season.”


šćepanović: "Opravdati ću povjerenje!”

Budućnost VOLI je napravila veliko iznenađenje kada je, između mnogo kandidata za novog trenera seniorskog tima, na klupu pred sledeću sezonu postavila neiskusnog Vlada šćepanovića.

Međutim, ovakvi potezi nisu ništa novo kada je u pitanju podgorički klub, u kome su u prošlosti sličnu priliku ukazali sada već dobro poznatim trenerskim imenima poput Gorana Bojanića i Dejana Radonjića, aktuelnog šampiona ABA lige sa Crvenom zvezdom Telekom.

Vlado šćepanović je veliko ime, kada se priča o košarci u Podgorici. I ako je neko zaslužio poverenje za otvaranje novog poglavlja u svojoj košarkaškoj karijeri, to je igrač, koji je u Morači košarkaški "prohodao I zatim nastavio da se usavršava u redovima velikana poput Anadolu Efesa, Partizana NIS, Skippera iz Boglogne, Panathinaikosa i ostalih.

"Siguran sam da ću to povjerenje opravdati, prije svega ljudskim odnosom, a kasnije i sportskim motivom i radom. Počastvovan sam i srećan, vratio sam se u klub u koji sam stekao igračko ime, kroz koji sam sazreo kao čovjek i igrač,” rekao je šćepanović na konferenciji za štampu nakon što je postavljen na mjesto glavnog trenera.

šćepanović je svestan činjenice da je neiskustvo njegova mana u ovom trenutku, ali i dalje stoji iza visokih ciljeva u sledećoj sezoni. Ono u šta se uzda timski rad: "Sada sam na novom početku kao trener i daću sve od sebe da taj hendikep nadoknadim saradnjom sa saradnicima u stručnom štabu, od kojih očekujem da mi pomognu da krenemo pravim putem.”