David Stockton and Cedevita part ways

Wednesday, 09. November 2016 at 11:39

David Stockton and Cedevita have mutually agreed to terminate their agreement, which was valid for the next two seasons as well, as Stockton did not fit into their team the way it has been expected. Stockton will continue his career in New Zealand.

David Stockton (Photo: Cedevita/Marin Susic)

David Stockton and Cedevita have mutually agreed to terminate their agreement, which was valid for the next two seasons as well, as Stockton did not fit into their team the way it has been expected. Stockton will continue his career in New Zealand.

It has not been a start of the season as Cedevita and David Stockton both would imagine. The player arrived to Zagreb this summer as a huge reinforcement, but just did not fit into the team the way it has been expected.

He was removed from the ABA League squad of the Zagreb side and continued to play for the Vitamins only in Croatian national championship, which did not satisfy his goals, so the two sides decided to terminate their agreement.

Stockton, who averaged 8.5 points, 3.3 assists, 1.5 rebounds and a steal per game in the ABA League, is now moving to New Zealand Breakers.


David Stockton napušta Cedevitu

David Stockton i Cedevita su dogovorili sporazumni raskid suradnje, koja je važila i za sljedeće dvije sezone, nakon što se Stockton nije snašao u zagrebačkoj momčadi kao što je bilo očekivano. Stockton će karijeru nastaviti u Novom Zelandu.

Početak sezone se nije razvio kao što su Cedevita i David Stockton očekivali. Igrač, koji je došao u Zagreb ovog ljeta kao veliko pojačanje, nije se snašao u Zagrebu onako kako su se obije strane nadale.

Nakon šest odigranih utakmica u ABA ligi, bio je izbačen iz momčadi, koja igra regionalno natjecanje i nastavio je igrati u Cedevitinoj momčadi u domaćem prvenstvu Hrvatske, što nije zadovoljilo njegove ciljeve i obije strane su postigle dogovor o sporazumnom raskidu suradnje.

Stockton, koji je u ABA ligi u prosjeku bilježio 8,5 poena, 3,3 dodavanja, 1,5 skokova i ukradenu loptu po utakmic, sada se seli u momčad New Zealand Breakers.
