Ilias Zouros is the new head coach of Budućnost VOLI

Tuesday, 15. November 2016 at 18:18

Greek basketball coach Ilias Zouros will replace Vlado Šćepanović at the position of Budućnost VOLI head coach. Zouros has already arrived in Podgorica and he will lead the team in the rest of the season.

Greek basketball coach Ilias Zouros will replace Vlado Šćepanović at the position of Budućnost VOLI head coach. Zouros has already arrived in Podgorica and he will lead the team in the rest of the season.

"Everything happened pretty fast. We started talking on Sunday evening and now I am already here. I am glad that I joined a big team, who has a lot of potential. Previous coach has done a very good job and I believe we will continue in the same way."

Zouros stated that he will insist on strong defense:

"I cannot speak about what had happened before, but only about what will happen from now on. Basketball is not just defense, of course, you need to take care of the offense as well, but at the end of the season defense will bring you good results. Defense makes you feel strong and gives you confidence and those two elements are first conditions to be good offensively. Wherever I go, the first thing I say is that my team must play good defense, as it can compensate a bad attacking day."

Zouros is a well-known name in the basketball world. He has worked in big clubs such are Olympiacos, Zalgiris, Efes, while he was also head coach of the Greek national team.      


Novi trener Budućnosti je Ilijas Zuros

Grčki trener Ilijas Zuros je nasledio Vladu Šćepanovića na klupi Budućnosti VOLI. On je već stigao u Podgoricu i počeo da radi sa ekipom.

"Sve se dogodilo veoma brzo. Razgovori su počeli u nedjelju kasno uveče i već sam tu. Drago mi je što sam u velikom timu, sa velikim potencijalom. Prethodni trener je uradio dobar posao i vjerujem da ćemo nastaviti tako", kazao je Zuros.

Iskusni trener je istakao da će insistirati na tome da njegova ekipa igra čvrstu odbranu:

"Ne mogu da govorim šta se događalo do sada, već samo o onome što će se događati poslije sjutrašnjeg dana. Košarka nije samo odbrana, naravno, mora da se vodi računa I o napadu, ali odbrana na kraju sezone daje rezultate. Odbrana daje sigurnost I samopouzdanje, a ta dva elementa su uslov da se igra I dobar napad. Ono što prvo kažem gdje god da dođem jeste da moja ekipa mora da igra dobru odbranu i tako ćemo se postaviti. Odbranom se može nadoknaditi i lošije napadačko izdanje", naglasio je grčki trener.

Zuros je poznato ime u svetskoj košarci. Tokom svoje bogate karijere vodio je velike klubove poput Olimpijakosa, Žalgirisa i Efesa, a takođe je bio i selektor Grčke.
