INTERVIEW: Hatcher - "Let's do this together!"

Thursday, 23. March 2017 at 12:12

Partizan NIS point guard William Hatcher believes that his team can make a comeback in the semifinal series against Cedevita. 

Will Hatcher (Photo: Partizan NIS)

Partizan NIS point guard William Hatcher believes that his team can make a comeback in the semifinal series against Cedevita.

Hatcher stated in the interview for ABA League website that Partizan NIS have to play much better in the upcoming game and that with the help of the fans they can bring the series back to Zagreb.

Partizan NIS suffered defeat in Game 1 of the semi-final series against Cedevita. What are your impressions after the match?

"That game is now behind us, while we will try to find what we did wrong and to correct our mistakes. I think that our performance in the 2nd half is the right way to play against Cedevita."

What things Partizan NIS need to change in front of Game 2?

"I believe that we are going to be better in every single game element and that this time we will be constant. We have to put pressure on them from the start and not to stop at any moment."

What do you think will be the key thing in this series?

"Just details. Cedevita have the advantage, but we will give everything we can to bring the series back to Zagreb and to play there much better than in the previous clash."

Is there a message that you would like to send to Partizan NIS fans in front of Game 2?

"Let's do this together!"


Vilijam Hečer - Hajde da uradimo ovo zajedno!

Vilijam Hečer, plejmejker Partizana NIS, veruje da njegov tim može da napravi preokret u polufinalnoj seriji protiv Cedevite.

Hečer je u intervjuu za sajt ABA lige rekao da njegova ekipa mora da igra mnogo bolje u narednoj utakmici i da uz pomoć navijača crno-beli mogu da vrate seriju u Zagreb.

Partizan NIS pretrpeo je poraz u prvoj utakmici polufinala protiv Cedevite. Kakvi su vaši utisci posle meča?

"Taj meč je iza nas, trudićemo se da ono što nije bilo dobro sagledamo i ispravimo. Mislim da je igra iz drugog poluvremena pravi način da se suprotstavimo Cedeviti."

Koje stvari Partizan NIS mora da popravi pre druge utakmice?

"Verujem da ćemo u drugom meču biti bolji u svim segmentima igre i da ćemo biti konstantni. Moramo da ih pritisnemo od samog početka i da se ne zaustavljamo."

Šta mislite da će odlučivati u ovoj polufinalnoj seriji?

"Nijanse. Cedevita ima prednost, ali mi ćemo dati sve od sebe da seriju vratimo u Zagreb i tamo odigramo bolje nego u prvom meču."

Da li imate neku poruku za vaše navijače pre druge utakmice polufinala?

"Hajde da uradimo ovo zajedno!" 
