Talor Battle reinforced Union Olimpija

Friday, 14. July 2017 at 12:30

Union Olimpija is reinforced by 28-year old and 188 cm tall Talor Battle, who can cover both guard positions on court. The American with vast European experienced agreed to sign with the Dragons until the end of the 2017/18 season.

Talor Battle (Photo: FIBA Europe/BC Enisey)

Battle finished laset season in Hungary, playing for Atomeromu, where he averaged 16.4 points, 5.7 rebounds and as much as 7.7 assists per game. Battle who is the record holder of the Penn State University in the number of points scored, has so far played in Europe also for Hapoel Tel Aviv, Cholet, Telekom Bonn, Capo d’Orlando and Mons-Hainaut.

Talor Battle, the new Union Olimpija player told the next words as he signed with the team from Ljubljana: “I am very happy. I believe that I can help the club to achieve the desired sporting results. I am looking forward to the season, that will be strenuous, but I know that we can achieve the goals that we have set. I was not a part of the team last season, when the lads have won the domestic championship and domestic cup trophies, but believe me that we will do everything in our powers to repeat the good result.”

Gašper Okorn, Union Olimpija head coach added: “Battle is a player that can play at the both guard positions. We have wanted this kind of a player, so that he can share playing time on court witzh Barbarič, Špan and Badžim in every combination. Last season he was coming back after an injury in Hungary, but he played in quality leagues before. We have quickly found common tongue with the player, since he has expressed great desire to play at our club. I am very happy.”


Nova okrepitev Union Olimpije je Talor Battle

Union Olimpijo je okrepil 28-letni in 188 cm visoki Talor Battle, ki lahko nastopa na položaju branilca strelca in organizatorja igre. Že evropsko izkušeni Američan je podpisal pogodbo z Zmaji do konca sezone 2017/2018.

Battle je lansko končal na Madžarskem v dresu Atomeromua, kjer je v povprečju dosegal 16,4 točke, 5,7 skoka in 7,7 podaje na tekmo. Battle, ki je rekorder univerze Penn State po doseženih točkah, je v Evropi do sedaj nastopal še za izraelski Hapoel Tel Aviv, francoski Cholet, nemški Telekom Baskets Bonn, italijansko Orlandino in belgijski Mons-Hainaut.

Talor Battle, novi igralec Union Olimpije je ob sklenitvi sodelovanja dejal naslednje: "Zelo sem vesel. Verjamem, da lahko pomagam klubu doseči željene športne rezultate. Veselim se sezone, ki bo naporna, ampak vem, da nam lahko uspe doseči zastavljene cilje. Nisem bil del ekipe v lanski sezoni, ko so fantje osvojili državni in pokalni naslov, ampak verjemite, naredili bomo vse, da ponovimo dober rezultat!"

Gašper Okorn, trener Union Olimpije pa je ob tem navrgel: "Battle je igralec, ki lahko igra na obeh branilskih položajih. Takšnega igralca smo si želeli, saj bo tako lahko igral z Barbaričem, Španom in Badžimom v vseh kombinacijah. V lanski sezoni se je vračal po poškodbi na Madžarskem, pred tem pa je že igral v kvalitetnih ligah. Z igralcem smo hitro našli skupni jezik, saj je pokazal velik interes za igranje v našem klubu. Zelo sem zadovoljen."
