Igokea signed with Preston and Reinhardt

Saturday, 20. January 2018 at 13:53

More last-minute transfers in ABA League!

Dragan Bajic (Photo: MZT Skopje Aerodrom/Dragan Mitreski)

Igokea have signed contracts with Katin Thomas Reinhardt and Billy Dewon Preston Jr! Both of them were registered for playing in ABA League in the last moments of the 2017/18 ABA transfer window and they will be part of Igokea’s roster in the rest of the season.

Katin Thomas Reinhardt plays as shooting guard. He graduated at Marquette University last year, while in his final NCAA season he averaged 10.8 points, 2.7 rebounds and 2.1 assists per game. Reinhardt then joined Lithuanian team Dzukija Alytus, where he spent the 1st part of the 2017/18 season.

Billy Dewon Preston Jr. is a young power forward who comes from Kansas Jayhawks (University of Kansas). Preston decided to start his pro career, so he went oversees and signed contract with Igokea until the end of the season.

“We are very excited that we signed contract with Billy Preston. We have been following him while his was playing at Oak Hill High School and we are honored that such a big basketball talent will be part of our club. Billy has the NBA potential, while we will do everything we can to help him develop as a player and fulfill his goal of getting into the NBA League. We want to thank Billy, his mother and his manager for giving us an opportunity to watch such a good player here in Laktaši. This means that Igokea will have one player at the 2018 NBA Draft! It proves that our club grows bigger every day,” said Igokea General manager Igor Dodik.


Igokea potpisala Prestona i Rajnharta

Igokea je potpisala još 2 nova igrača u poslednjim trenucima prelaznog roka! Bili Preston rođen 1997. godine, bivši igrač Oak Hil srednje škole i Univerziteta Kanzas potpisao je ugovor sa Igokeom do kraja sezone, dok je drugi novajlija Kejtin Rajnhart koji dolazi iz litvanske ekipe Džukija.

"Uzbuđeni smo zbog dolaska Bilija Prestona u naš klub. Pratili smo ga kada je igrao za Oak Hill srednju školu i na McDonalds All Star utakmici. Počastvovani smo što će jedan tako ogroman talenat biti dio naše organizacije. Blisko smo pratili njegovu situaciju i njegovoj porodici pokazali interesovanje i na kraju uspjeli da postignemo dogovor sa njegovim zastupnicima u Kaliforniji i potpišemo ugovor do kraja sezone. Bili je veliki NBA potencijal, učinićemo sve da on nastavi svoj razvoj i pomognemo da se dokaže u našem klubu i ispuni svoj cilj da postane NBA zvijezda u bliskoj budućnosti. Hvala Biliju, njegovoj majci i njegovom zastupniku Džefriju B. Valeu što ćemo biti u mogućnosti da ga gledamo u Laktašima i Republici Srpskoj. Košarkaški Klub Igokea će se naći na NBA Draftu 2018! Hvala vam svima, Igokea će nastaviti da raste," istakao je generalni menadžer Igokee Igor Dodik.
