Amar Gegić three seasons with Partizan NIS

Wednesday, 01. August 2018 at 10:46

20-year old BiH international, who spent two of the last seasons with Bayern Munich, signed with the black and white.

(Photo: FIBA)

Amar Gegić is the new reinforcement of Partizan NIS. 20-year old combo guard has spent the last two seasons at Bayern Munich and has signed a 3-year contract with the black and white.

The new Partizan NIS member was born in Stuttgart and began his career at Spars Sarajevo. Even though he is still no more than 20 years old, Amar has already become Bosnia and Herzegovina international and has made 11 appearances already for the national team.

Amar Gegić is the fifth reinforcement of the black and white this summer and before him Landale, Paige, Zagorac and Nikolić have signed with the Belgrade powerhouse.


Amar Gegić tri godine u Partizanu NIS

Dvadesetogodišnji reprezentativac BiH, koji je prethodne dve sezone proveo u minhenskom Bajernu, potpisao je ugovor sa crno-belima.

Amar Gegić je novo pojačanje Partizana. Dvadesetogodišnji košarkaš koji igra na obe bekovske pozicije, prethodne dve godine je proveo u Bajernu iz Minhena, a upravo je potpisao trogodišnji ugovor sa crno-belima.

Novi igrač Partizana je rođen u Štutgartu, a ponikao je u sarajevskim Sparsima. Iako tek dvadesetogodišnjak, Amar je stigao je i do reprezentacije Bosne i Hercegovine za koju je igrao 11 puta.

Gegić je peto pojačanje crno-belih ovog leta, a pre njega su u Partizan stigli, Lendejl, Pejdž, Zagorac i Nikolić.
