Blaž Mahkovic new Krka reinforcement

Wednesday, 10. October 2018 at 12:14

Krka have decided to reinforce their squad with Slovenian international Blaž Mahkovic. Blaž, an all-around player, has joined the team at practices and should according to predictions start playing games within a week.

Blaz Mahkovic (Photo: Igokea/Nenad Vuruna)

Blaž Mahkovic started his playing career at Triglav of Kranj and afterwards moved to Škofja Loka, Helios Suns, Petrol Olimpija and Igokea. He spent the last season at Helios again and averaged 19 points, 6.4 rebounds and 2.9 assists per game in Slovenian national championship, which made him the second best scorer and the sixt in overall index rating in the league. He appeared four times for Slovenia national team in the 2019 World Cup Qualififers.

Blaž Mahkovic told as he moved to Krka: “I am happy for the fact that I have become Krka member, since we are all aware of the fact how organized the club is. I believe that our cooperation will be successful and am looking forward to the first games!”


Blaž Mahkovic nova okrepitev Krke

Pri Krki so se odločili, da se na položaju krila okrepijo s slovenskim reprezentantom Blažem Mahkovicem. Blaž, ki je vsestranski igralec, se je ekipi že pridružil na treningih, za klub pa bo predvidoma začel igrati z naslednjim tednom.

Blaž Mahkovic je kariero začel v kranjskem Triglavu, nato pa igral še za Škofjo Loko, Helios Suns, Petrol Olimpijo in Igokeo. Lansko sezono je ponovno odigral v dresu Heliosa in bil s povprečjem 19 točk, 6,4 skoka in 2,9 podaje na tekmo drugi strelec in šesti najkoristnejši igralec slovenskega državnega prvenstva. Za reprezentanco je na letošnjih kvalifikacijah za svetovno prvenstvo zabeležil štiri nastope.

Blaž Mahkovic je ob prestopu h Krki povedal: „Vesel sem, da sem postal član KK Krka, saj vsi vemo za kako urejen klub gre. Verjamem, da bo naše sodelovanje zelo uspešno in se že veselim prvih tekem.“
