Scottie Reynolds reinforced Petrol Olimpija

Wednesday, 10. October 2018 at 14:42

Before the continuation of the season, Petrol Olimpija got stronger at the point guard position. Scottie Reynolds is coming to Ljubljana, and he already joined the team at practices.

Scottie Reynolds (Photo: Cibona/Zeljko Baksaj & Gordan Lausic)

The American, who turned 31 years old on the day he signed his contract with Petrol Olimpija, was a real standout in high schools, and in college, as he played for Villanova and scored 40 points against Connecticut in his freshman year. Even then, he showed the ability to lead his team, and in the last season spent at Villanova, he averaged 18.5 points per game, while shooting 40-per cent from the three point line.

After the college, he spent the summer at the NBA Summer League, he then moved to Europe, and tried to get back to the NBA while playing in the NBDA. In 2011, he signed a deal with Utah Jazz, but did not play a game for the team.

In Europe, he, among others, wore jerseys of Antalya, Nymburk, Besiktas, Brindisi and Cibona, and he was a member of Zenit St. Petersburg in the 2017/18 season. In 2016/17 season that he spent in Zagreb, he averaged 6,94 assists per game, and he was the second best assists leader of the ABA League.

Scottie Reynolds did not try to hide his delight, as he signed with Petrol Olimpija: “I am happy to be here in Ljubljana, which is a great city, and back in the ABA League. Also, I am happy to play in the Slovenian League and Basketball Champions League. It is a great opportunity for me personally, but also a great opportunity for Petrol Olimpija and its fans. I am looking forward to the challenge. I know that there will be a lot of good and a lot of bad times, but hopefully, we will have more good times than bad.”


Scottie Reynolds okrepil Petrol Olimpijo

Pred nadaljevanjem sezone se je Petrol Olimpija dodatno okrepila na položaju organizatorja igre. V Ljubljano prihaja Scottie Reynolds, ki se je ekipi že pridružil na treningih, s klubom pa je podpisal enoletno pogodbo.

Američan, ki je ravno v sredo dopolnil 31 let, se je kot izredno perspektiven izkazal že v srednji šoli ter na univerzi Villanova.
Po tem, ko je poletje po zaključku študija preživel v Poletni Ligi NBA, se je preselil v Evropo, v najmočnejšo ligo na svetu pa se je skušal vrniti po igranju v razvojni Ligi NBA (takratna NBDA). Leta 2011 je tako podpisal pogodbo z Utah Jazz, a zanje ni zaigral. V Evropi je med drugim nosil dres Antalyje, Nymburka, Bešiktaša, Brindisija ter Cibone, v sezoni 2017/18 pa je igral za Zenit iz Saint Petersburga. V sezoni 2016/17, ki jo je preživel v Zagrebu, je v povprečju beležil 6,94 podaje na tekmo, in bil tako drugi najboljši asistent Lige ABA.

Ob podpisu dogovora z Ljubljančani je Scottie Reynolds izrazil svoje navdušenje: "Vesel sem, da sem se pridružil Petrol Olimpiji, in da je Ljubljana postala moj novi dom, hkrati pa sem zelo vesel, da bom znova zaigral v Ligi ABA. Dejstvo, da ekipa igra v regionalnem tekmovanju, Ligi prvakov in slovenskem državnem prvenstvu, je velika priložnost tudi za moj košarkarski razvoj, hkrati že komaj čakam, da se predstavim navijačem Zmajev. Veselim se vseh izzivov, vem pa, da nas čakajo vzponi in padci, a napravili bomo vse, da bo vzponov čim več."
