Aleksandar Nikitović is the new Petrol Olimpija head coach

Monday, 19. November 2018 at 13:30

Head coach Aleksandar Nikitović will lead Petrol Olimpija from the bench until the end of the 2018/19 season.

Aleksandar Nikitovic (Photo: Petrol Olimpija/Tine Ruzic)

Serbian tactician Aleksandar Nikitović is the new head coach of Petrol Olimpija. Nikitović, who wore the jerseys of Crvena zvezda mts, Obrenovec, Umek, Doboj and CSU Sibiu as a player, started his coaching career as an assistant coach of Duško Vujošević with Partizan in 2004. After that, he moved to Crvena zvezda, where he became a head coach in the March 2011, and led the team in ABA League and Serbian domestic league.

He was a part of the Serbian national team in EuroBaskets 2009 and 2011 as an assistant coach of Dušan Ivković, and he won the silver medal in 2009. In 2010, he was also an assistant coach of the Serbia national team at the World Cup 2010 in Turkey, as Serbia finished the competition in fourth place.

Nikitović proved himself in the work with young players as the head coach of Serbian U16 national team, which he lead in European Championships in 2010 and 2011, and even before, in 2007 and 2009, he was an assistant coach of the Serbian university team, with which he won the silver medal in Bangkok in 2007, and a gold medal in 2009 in Belgrade. He last worked in the international competition as the head coach of the national team of Bahrain, which he led at the Asian Championship and finished the competition in 12th place.

Aleksandar Nikitović told as he became Petrol Olimpija head coach: “It’s a great honour to receive the call of Petrol Olimpija and even a greater one to become a part of such a huge organization, as Petrol Olimpija is. In the forthcoming period we have many goals. For sure the main goal is to lift ourselves from the bottoms of the standings in the competitions, in which we are participating. Currently we are at the bottom of the ABA League and Basketball Champions League standings and we wish to demonstrate games, as good as possible, in both competitions. We will be focusing on our position in the standings in the ABA League in the next period, since we will be facing teams from the lower half of the standings and after the FMP game we will be having a National Teams Windows break, when we will be trying to work more with the players and get them used to the new system of the game, which will, hopefully, bring positive results.”


Aleksandar Nikitović novi glavni trener Petrol Olimpije

Petrol Olimpija je v ponedeljek potrdila, da bo do zaključka tekmovalne sezone 2018/19 člansko moštvo vodil novi glavni trener Aleksandar Nikitović. Klub in trener Zoran Martić sta se v nedeljo dogovorila za sporazumno prekinitev pogodbe.

Srbski strokovnjak Aleksandar Nikitović je novi glavni trener članskega moštva Petrol Olimpije. Nikitović je svojo pot na klopi začel kot pomočnik glavnega trenerja Duška Vujoševića leta 2004 pri beograjskem Partizanu. Zatem se je preselil k beograjskim rivalom črno-belih, Crveni zvezdi, kjer je v sredini marca 2011 tudi prevzel mesto glavnega trenerja in ekipo vodil v Ligi ABA ter srbskem državnem prvenstvu.

Svoje košarkarsko znanje je 39-letni Nikitović izpopolnjeval tudi na klopi srbske članske reprezentance, s katero je na EuroBasketu 2009 na Poljskem kot pomočnik selektorja Dušana Ivkovića osvojil naslov evropskega podprvaka, dve leti kasneje pa je bil znova član strokovnega štaba na EuroBasketu 2011 v Litvi. S srbsko reprezentanco je leta 2010 sodeloval tudi na svetovnem prvenstvu v Turčiji, Srbija pa je tekmovanje sklenila na tekmi za tretje mesto, kjer je izgubila proti Litvi in tako na koncu zasedla četrto mesto.

Aleksandar Nikitović je ob prevzemu mesta glavnega trenerja Olimpije dejal: “Velika čast je biti poklican s strani vodstva Petrol Olimpije, še večja čast pa je postati del tako velike organizacije, kot je to Petrol Olimpija. V prihajajočem obdobju imamo več ciljev. Zagotovo je glavni ta, da se dvignemo iz dna lestvic vseh tekmovanj, v katerih nastopamo. Trenutno smo namreč na repu lestvice v Ligi ABA in Ligi prvakov, v obeh tekmovanjih pa želimo prikazati čim boljše predstave. Na naslednjih tekmah se bomo osredotočili predvsem na izboljšanje našega položaja na lestvici v Ligi ABA, saj se bomo v prihajajočih tednih pomerili z ekipami iz 'spodnjega doma', po tekmi z FMP-jem pa nas čaka še reprezentančni odmor, med katerim bomo skušali čim več delati z igralci in jih navaditi na nov sistem igre, ki bo, upamo, prinesel pozitivne rezultate.”
