Igor Tratnik leaves Petrol Olimpija

Wednesday, 27. February 2019 at 13:27

Petrol Olimpija and power forward Igor Tratnik have terminated their agreement on mutual consent. 207 cm tall Tratnik joined the club of Ljubljana in the 2017/18 season.

Igor Tratnik (Photo: Petrol Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

Ahead of the last three rounds of the ABA League Regular Season, Petrol Olimpija have parted ways with Igor Tratnik on a mutual agreement. The latter began his basketball career at Grosuplje and played for various Slovenian and European clubs in his career, including countries like Iceland and Spain.

In the 2018/19 season Tratnik appeared in four ABA League games. In the regional competition he was scoring 2 points and 1.8 rebounds per game.


Igor Tratnik zapušča Petrol Olimpijo

Petrol Olimpija in krilni center Igor Tratnik sta sporazumno prekinila pogodbo. 207 centimetrov visoki Tratnik se je ljubljanskemu klubu pridružil v tekmovalni sezoni 2017/18.

Pred zadnjimi tremi koli rednega dela Lige ABA je Petrol Olimpija sporazumno prekinila pogodbo z Igorjem Tratnikom. Slednji je svojo košarkarsko pot začel v Grosupljem, v svoji karieri pa je nosil drese številnih slovenskih in evropskih klubov, med drugim je igral na Islandiji in v Španiji.

V tekmovalni sezoni 2018/19 je Tratnik zaigral na štirih tekmah Lige ABA. V regionalnem tekmovanju je dosegal 2,0 točki in 1,8 skoka na tekmo.
