Matković signed professional contract with Cedevita

Tuesday, 30. April 2019 at 17:20

Karlo Matković, 18-year old and 208 cm tall center has agreed on professional contract with Cedevita.

Karlo Matkovic (Photo: Cedevita)

One of arguably the greatest prospects of the region in his generation Karlo Matković has been with the club’s youth categories for three seasons.

“Of course I have signed my first professional contract especially in Cedevita’s Home of basketball. This is my club in which I have grown up in basketball sense. The working conditions are excellent and I believe that I would make progress from season to season. I wish to thank the people from the club, coaches and teammates for accepting me in the proper way and for helping me from day to day and I believe that I would pay them back one day with my good performances for the team,” Matković said as he signed with Cedevita.

Marino Baždarić, head of Cedevita’s youth categories is proud of Matković’s achievements: “In every way, Karlo is for sure one of the players with excellent potential and I am glad that we have bound him with the club with the professional contract, just the way we have done with Rok Radović. Džanan Musa is another player that has gone through this path and reached to the NBA League. If he continues working the way he does now, his future is going to be bright.”


Matković potpisao profesionalni ugovor s Cedevitom

Karlo Matković, 18-godišnji 208 cm visoki centar danas je potpisao profesionalni petogodišnji ugovor s Cedevitom. Jedan od najvećih talenata regije u svom godištu treću je sezonu u klupskom omladinskom pogonu.

"Razumljivo je da sam prvi profesionalni ugovor potpisao upravo u Domu košarke Cedevita. Ovo je moj klub u kojem sam košarkaški stasao i dobio pravu šansu. Uvjeti su fantastični i vjerujem da ću i dalje napredovati iz sezone u sezonu. Hvala svima, ljudima u klubu, trenerima i suigračima što su me primili na pravi način, što mi svi pomažu iz dana u dan i vjerujem da ću im se svima odužiti dobrim igrama za klub", rekao nam je Karlo Matković.

Marino Baždarić, šef omladinskog pogona je posebno ponosan na dosege Karla Matkovića:"Karlo je u svakom slučaju jedan od igrača koji imaju nesporni potencijal i drago mi je da smo ga vezali uz klub profesionalnim ugovorom, kao i nedavno Roka Radovića. Takav put nedavno je prošao i Džanan Musa koji je brzo dosegnuo NBA ligu. Vjerujem da će i Karlo Matković, ako nastavi napredovati kao do sada, imati svijetlu košarkašku budućnost."
