Ante Nazor confirmed as head coach of Zadar for next season

Thursday, 06. June 2019 at 14:28

The Zadar's Supervisory Board has confirmed future cooperation with head coach Ante Nazor, who has signed a new 2-year contract with the Dalmatian club.

Ante Nazor (Photo: Buducnost VOLI)

“It is a huge privilege to be the head coach of Zadar, therefore I am happy that we have extended our cooperation and that we have come together on the same path and basketball philosophy. We are already thinking about the next season, fully enthusiastic and we have began working on many fields to make this season as good as possible,” Ante Nazor told as he agreed on extension of cooperation with his Zadar.

In Zadar, they have already started preparing for the forthcoming season with the work of talented young players and for sure this is a good direction given that there is still majority of the work to be done as far as composing the senior squad is concerned.

The Supervisory Board has also trusted the future work to Sports Director Branimir Longin, but they have pointed out some of the mistakes from the last season that should not be repeated in the future. “We wish young, energetic, talented team that would play aggressive defense. We have special open practices and have a desire to see local players that believe that they could play for Zadar there. We will work on building our team in our practices and with the other eye we will be focused on finding possible reinforcements,” Longin told.

Regarding possible departures of certain members of last season’s team, Sports Director has clarified that nothing is a done deal yet: “Some of the negotiations are still to take place, but it seems that Brzoja, Krajina, Bašić and Božić will not continue their careers alongside us, since we haven’t been satisfied with performances of some of them and some of them are now too expensive for us. We haven’t excluded them from our plans, but it seems to me that they are slowly starting to say goodbye to Zadar and I believe that they have no desire of continuing with us.”

Regarding captain Šime Špralja, Luka Žorić and Vladimir Dašić everything is still open: “I have talked to Šime, Žorić is currently not here and Dašić will come here in ten days. We have given them some time after the season to reset themselves and afterwards we would talk.”

More will be revealed regarding new players in the forthcoming days, but what is important is the fact that planning the sporting part of the story has already begun.


Zadar Nazoru ukazao povjerenje za daljnji rad

Nakon održane sjednice NO-a KK Zadar potvrđena je suradnja s dosadašnjim trenerom Ante Nazorom, kojem je ukazano povjerenje novim dvogodišnjim ugovorom.

“Velika je privilegija biti trenerom Zadra, zato sam sretan što smo produžili suradnju, našli se na istom putu i košarkaškoj filozofiji. Puni entuzijazma okrenuti smo prema novoj sezoni, a već jučer smo počeli raditi na svim poljima kako bi bila što bolja i uspješnija,” poručio je Nazor.

S treninzima i intenzivnim radom darovitih igrača mlađih kategorija započelo se još prije par dana, što je zasigurno dobar smjer u kojem se krenulo uzevši u obzir kako se tek najvažniji dio posla u vidu slaganja prve momčadi treba napraviti.

Nadzorni odbor je ukazao povjerenje za daljnje obnašanje funkcije i sportskom direktoru Branimiru Longinu, a iz protekle sezone izvučene su neke stvari i greške koje će poslužiti kao iskustvo za neponavljanje istih. “Želimo mladu, poletnu, šuterski moćnu momčad, agresivnu u obrani. Imamo svojevrsne otvorene treninge, želimo da nam dođu igrači koji misle da mogu igrati za Zadar, koji su ovdje nastanjeni. Na treninzima ćemo raditi na nadogradnji igre, a drugim okom gledamo pojačanja koja bismo rado doveli,” rekao je Longin.

Na temu odlaska pojedinih članova dosadašnje momčadi sportski direktor pojasnio je kako još ništa nije zaključeno: “Još se neki razgovori trebaju obaviti, ali po svemu sudeći Brzoja, Krajina, Bašić i Božić neće biti s nama, jer s nekima nismo bili zadovoljni, a neki su izvan našeg platežnog razreda. Mi ih nismo prekrižili, ali vidio sam da se oni sami pozdravljaju sa Zadrom pa smatram da nemaju namjeru nastaviti s nama.“

Na pitanje što će biti s kapetanom Šimom Špraljom, Lukom Žorićem i Vladimirom Dašićem saznali smo kao i ranije da je sve još uvijek otvoreno po tom pitanju: “Sa Šimom sam pričao, Žorić trenutno nije tu, a Dašić stiže za desetak dana. Dali smo im malo vremena nakon sezone da se ‘resetiraju’ pa ćemo sjesti i porazgovarati.“

Na temu pojačanja i novih igrača u narednih nekoliko dana trebali bi znati više, ali ono što je važno za istaknuti je kako se na vrijeme krenulo na području sportskog planiranja i zaokruživanja pojedinih rješenja.
