Koper Primorska extended with Golemac

Friday, 20. September 2019 at 13:59

Koper Primorska and head coach Jurica Golemac have agreed on a new contract. 42-year old coach will lead the squad from the Slovenian coast until the end of the 2021/22 season.

Jurica Golemac (Photo: Sixt Primorska/Jurij Kodrun)

Golemac, former Slovenian international, started his basketball career at 16 years of age. He used to play for squads like Geoplin Slovan, Union Olimpija, Krka, Zadar, Cibona, Panathinaikos, Efes Pilsen, Alba Berlin and others… He crowned his playing career with national championship trophies – twice in Slovenia and once in Turkey. He also became ABA League champion with Olimpija in 2002.

Jurica Golemac ended his playing career in 2013 and started coaching. The same year he became the assistant coach at Cibona Zagreb, where he remained until 2016. He became ABA League champion as coach in 2013/14 with Cibona. In 2016 he became the head coach of Tajfun and moved to Primorska after the end of the 2016/17 season. In 2017 he worked at Georgia national team as assistant coach.

By extending the cooperation with coach Golemac, Koper Primorska are heading into a new three-year era. They have concluded successfully the first one last season, when they managed to qualify for the ABA League. The squad of Koper have ambitions of reaching a spot that would secure them a place in European competition.

As he extended with the Koper squad, Jurica Golemac told: “I am happy that we have agreed on extension of our cooperation with Koper Primorska. I believe that it is the right thing to continue our path together. We have a common goal, to grow together as a club from one year to another. I haven’t even had any consideration of not accepting the new contract.”


Koper Primorska podaljšala sodelovanje z Golemcem

Košarkarski Klub Koper Primorska in trener članske ekipe Jurica Golemac sta se dogovorila za novo pogodbo. 42-letni trener bo zasedbo z Obale vodil vsaj do konca sezone 2021/22.

Golemac, sicer nekdanji slovenski reprezentant, je profesionalno košarkarsko pot začel že pri 16. letih. Med drugim je nosil drese slovenskih klubov Geoplin Slovan, Union Olimpija, Krka, hrvaških Zadra in Cibone, grškega Panathinaikosa, turškega Efes Pilsna, nemške Albe Berlin … Svojo bogato košarkarsko pot je kar trikrat - dvakrat v Sloveniji in enkrat v Turčiji - kronal z naslovom državnega prvaka. Z Olimpijo osvojil naslov prvaka Lige ABA.

Igralsko kariero je Golemac sklenil leta 2013 in se podal v trenerske vode. Še istega leta je postal pomočnik trenerja v zagrebški Ciboni in tam ostal vse do leta 2016. Z zagrebško ekipo je v sezoni 2013/14 postal prvak Lige ABA. Leta 2016 je postal glavni trener šentjurskega Tajfuna, po zaključeni sezoni 2016/17 pa se je preselil na Primorsko. Leta 2017 je kot pomočnik deloval tudi v gruzijski reprezentanci.

S sklenitvijo novega sodelovanja s trenerjem Golemcem se KK Koper Primorska podaja v novo triletno obdobje. Prvega je uspešno zaključil v minuli sezoni, ko se je ekipi uspelo prebiti med regionalno elito. Tam si primorski klub v prihodnjih sezonah želi poseči po uvrstitvi, ki zagotavlja mesto v evropskih tekmovanjih.

Jurica Golemac je ob podaljšanju sodelovanja s Koprčani povedal naslednje: "Vesel sem, da smo se z vodstvom KK Koper Primorska dogovorili za podaljšanje sodelovanja. Mislim, da je prav, da skupaj nadaljujemo pot. Imamo skupen cilj in sicer da klub iz leta v leto raste v vseh pogledih. Niti za trenutek nisem pomišljal, da ne bi sprejel nove ponudbe."
