Martin Krampelj moves on a loan to Andorra

Tuesday, 17. December 2019 at 12:10

Cedevita Olimpija's young player Martin Krampelj will continue the 2019/20 competitive season in Andorra and will wear a jersey for the team playing in the Spanish ACB League and 7Days EuroCup for a month, with the possibility of an extension.

Slaven Rimac (Photo: Cedevita Olimpija/Jurij Kodrun)

Martin Krampelj, who joined the Cedevita Olimpija team in the summer after wearing a Creighton Bluejays jersey from Creighton University of Nebraska for four seasons. This season, Grosuplje's own did not step on the floor, with the exception of three ABA Super Cup matches in Zagreb. In the nearly ten minutes he spent on the floor, he failed to register as a scorer.

This season, Krampelj did not step on the floor in the ABA League and 7Days EuroCup. MoraBanc Andorra is playing in the Spanish National Championship and European Cup this season. In the latter she has already managed to secure a place among the TOP 16 teams in the competition, and in the ACB League it has seven wins and six loses after 13 rounds.

Cedevita Olimpija Sports Director Sani Bečirović told as Krampelj was loaned to Andorra: “Given the fact that the roles of the players in our team are already well distributed, we were looking for a suitable solution for Martin Krampelj to play as much as possible before the start of the second part of the national championship and gain the necessary experience that he lacked at the beginning of the season. MoraBanc Andorra, which plays in the Spanish ACB League and 7Days EuroCup, offered a solution, looking for someone to help them with Mouss Diagne's injury. Martin will spend the first month in Andorra, and then we'll see what and how."


Martin Krampelj na posojo v Andoro

Mladi košarkar Cedevita Olimpije Martin Krampelj bo tekmovalno sezono 2019/20 nadaljeval v Andori, dres moštva, ki igra v španski Ligi ACB in 7Days EuroCupu pa bo nosil mesec dni, z možnostjo podaljšanja.

Martin Krampelj, ki se je moštvu Cedevita Olimpije pridružil poleti po tem, ko je štiri sezone nosil dres ekipe Creighton Bluejays iz Univerze Creighton v Nebraski. V tej sezoni Grosupeljčan ni stopil na parket, z izjemo treh tekem Superpokala Lige ABA v Zagrebu. V skupno skoraj desetih minutah, ki jih je preživel na parketu, se ni uspel vpisati med strelce.

V tej sezoni Krampelj v Ligi ABA in 7Days EuroCupu ni stopil na parket. MoraBanc Andorra v tej sezoni nastopa v španskem državnem prvenstvu in v Evropskem pokalu. V slednjem si je že uspela zagotoviti mesto med najboljšimi 16 moštvi tekmovanja, v Ligi ACB pa ima po 13 odigranih tekmah na svojem računu sedem zmag in šest porazov.

Ob podpisu Kramplja za Andoro je športni direktor Cedevita Olimpije Sani Bečirović dejal: "Ob dejstvu, da so se vloge igralcev v našem moštvu že lepo porazdelile, smo iskali ustrezno rešitev za Martina Kramplja, da tudi on pred začetkom drugega dela državnega prvenstva zaigra na čim višji ravni in pridobi potrebne izkušnje, ki so mu manjkale na začetku sezone. Kot rešitev se je ponudila Andorra, ki nastopa v španski Ligi ACB in 7Days EuroCupu, iskali pa so nekoga, ki bi jim priskočil na pomoč po poškodbi Moussa Diagneja. Martin bo v Andorri sprva preživel en mesec, nato pa bomo videli, kaj in kako."
