Cedevita Olimpija parted ways with Ryan Boatright

Monday, 20. January 2020 at 12:36

Cedevita Olimpija has terminated the contract with 27-year-old American Point Guard Ryan Boatright. 

Ryan Boatright (Photo: Cedevita Olimpija/Jurij Kodrun)

The latter joined the Ljubljana club before the start of the 2019/20 competitive season, and before that he wore a Spanish Unicaja jersey from Malaga. Boatright presented himself to fans from the wider region in grand style in the 2016/17 season by wearing a Cedevita Zagreb jersey. In 2014, he won the NCAA Championship with the University of Connecticut, and averaged 17.4 points, 4.1 rebounds and 3.8 assists per game in his last season at Uconn.

This season, Ryan Boatright has appeared in 15 ABA League games, averaging 11.5 points, 2.9 assists and 2.6 rebounds per game.

Boatright showed his most effective performance of the season in the Round 9 of the regional competiton against the Crvena zvezda mts, when he scored 17 points, six rebounds and three assists in 28 minutes of play.

Sports Director of Cedevita Olimpija Sani Bečirović commented on the decision: “Ryan Boatright joined our squad ahead of the start of the season. Given the fact that Boatright used to be one of the key players at Cedevita Zagreb, back in the days when he has worn their jersey, we have expected it to be the same this season in Ljubljana. But unfortunately, he did not warrant our expectations, so we decided to terminate the agreement with the player. We wish Ryan the best of luck in the remainder of his career.”


Cedevita Olimpija prekinila pogodbo z Ryanom Boatrightom

Cedevita Olimpija je prekinila pogodbo s 27-letnim ameriškim organizatorjem igre Ryanom Boatrightom.

Slednji se je ljubljanskemu klubu pridružil pred začetkom tekmovalne sezone 2019/20, pred tem pa je nosil dres španske Unicaje iz Malage. Navijačem iz širše regije se je Boatright v velikem slogu predstavil v sezoni 2016/17, ko je nosil dres zagrebške Cedevite. Leta 2014 je z Univerzo Connecticut osvojil naslov prvaka študentske Lige NCAA, v zadnji sezoni, ki jo je preživel na Uconnu, pa je v povprečju dosegal 17,4 točke, 4,1 skoka in 3,8 podaje na tekmo.

V tej sezoni je Boatright v Ligi ABA zaigral na 15 obračunih ter beležil 11,5 točke, 2,9 podaje in 2,6 skoka na tekmo.

Svojo najbolj učinkovito predstavo sezone je Boatright pokazal v devetem kolu regionalnega tekmovanja proti Crveni zvezdi mts, ko je v 28 minutah igre 17 točkam dodal šest skokov in tri podaje.

Športni direktor Cedevita Olimpije Sani Bečirović je ob prekinitvi sodelovanja dejal: „Ryan Boatright se je našemu moštvu priključil pred začetkom te sezone. Ob dejstvu, da je Boatright veljal za enega od nosilcev igre v zagrebški Cedeviti, smo enako pričakovali tudi v tej sezoni v Ljubljani, na žalost pa ni izpolnil naših pričakovanj, zato smo se odločili za prekinitev pogodbe. Ryanu želimo vse najboljše v nadaljevanju njegove kariere.“
