Domen Bratož joins Cedevita Olimpija

Monday, 20. January 2020 at 15:13

Slovenian point guard Domen Bratož is a new player of Cedevita Olimpija. The 26-year-old Bratož, who defended the colors of Krka last season, will remain in the Dragons jersey for the rest of the season.

Domen Bratoz (Photo: Petrol Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

Cedevita Olimpija added another point guard to the roster, and this one has a Slovenian passport. Until the end of the 2019/20 competitive season, the club's jersey will be worn by the Slovenian game creator, Domen Bratož, who wore the jersey of Krka Novo mesto for the past two seasons. Bratož finished the 2018/19 season prematurely due to a knee injury that he had suffered in the fifth round of the Nova KBM League for the champion.

Novo mesto-born Bratož started his professional sports career in the Krka jersey and spent the 2012/13 season as a player on loan in Slovan. He also defended the colors of the team from Kodeljevo next season, followed by a move to Tafun, where he spent two seasons.

In 2016, he transferred to AVIS Raplo, which competes in the Estonian National Championships, and then returned to Novo mesto, and was one of the main reasons why Krka managed to make it back to the ABA League from ABA League 2.

In the 2018/19 season, Bratož has made 20 appearances in the ABA League, recording 7.0 points, 2.9 rebounds and 2.7 assists.

As he agreed on cooperation with the Ljubljana side, Bratož told: “I am very happy to have joined Cedevita Olimpija. Together with other players, we will do our best to finish the season in the best possible way. We all know the goals we have, but the main wish is for all the national titles to return to Ljubljana. I invite all the fans to join us as much as possible in the National championship and cup competitions, and to come together for new successes and victories.”


Domen Bratož okrepil Cedevita Olimpijo

Slovenski organizator igre Domen Bratož je novi igralec Cedevita Olimpije. 26-letni Bratož, ki je v minuli sezoni branil barve Krke, bo v dresu Zmajev ostal do konca sezone.

Člansko moštvo Cedevita Olimpije se je ob začetku novega koledarskega leta okrepilo na položaju 'enke'. Dres ljubljanskega kluba bo do konca tekmovalne sezone 2019/20 nosil slovenski organizator igre, Domen Bratož, ki je minuli dve sezoni nosil dres novomeške Krke. Sezono 2018/19 je Bratož predčasno zaključil zaradi poškodbe kolena, ki jo je staknil na tekmi petega kola Lige Nova KBM za prvaka.

Svojo profesionalno športno pot je Bratož, ki je rojen v Novem mestu, začel prav v dresu Krke, sezono 2012/13 pa kot posojeni košarkar preživel v Slovanu. Tudi v prihodnji sezoni je branil barve moštva iz Kodeljevega, sledila pa je selitev v Tajfun, kjer je preživel dve sezoni, in med drugim v sezoni 2014/15 osvojil naslov državnega prvaka.

Leta 2016 je prestopil v AVIS Raplo, ki nastopa v estonskem državnem prvenstvu, nato pa se je vrnil v Novo mesto, in bil eden od glavnih razlogov, zakaj se je Krki uspelo iz Lige ABA 2 prebiti nazaj v Ligo ABA.

V sezoni 2018/19 je Bratož V Ligi ABA nastopil na 20 tekmah in beležil 7,0 točke, 2,9 skoka in 2,7 podaje na obračun.

Ob dogovoru z Ljubljančani je Bratož dejal: „Zelo vesel sem, da sem se pridružil Cedevita Olimpiji. Skupaj z ostalimi igralci bomo napravili vse, da sezono zaključimo na najboljši možen način. Vsi vemo, kakšne cilje imamo, glavna želja pa je zagotovo ta, da se vsi državni naslovi vrnejo v Ljubljano. Vse navijače vabim, da se nam v čim večjem številu pridružijo na tekmah državnega prvenstva in pokalnega tekmovanja, ter da skupaj pridemo do novih uspehov in zmag.“
