Koper Primorska parted ways with Ivan Marinković

Monday, 03. February 2020 at 17:35

Koper Primorska and 26-year old center Ivan Marinković have terminated their cooperation on mutual consent.

Ivan Marinkovic (Photo: Cedevita Olimpija/Ales Fevzer)

Ivan Marinković arrived to Koper at the start of the 18/19 season. He continued with his good performances in this season, as he averaged 10.6 points and 5.8 rebounds in 22 minutes spent on court per game in the ABA League this season.

Given that he has achieved an offer from an ambitious club, that will be able to offer him a chance of proving himself at the international stage, Marinković did not want to refuse it.

Marinković will continue his career at Cedevita Olimpija of Ljubljana, but will no longer play in the ABA League this season, as the transfer window for moving from one to another ABA League club for this season is already closed.


Koper Primorska se je razšla z Ivanom Marinkovićem

Koper Primorska in 26-letni center Ivan Marinković sta se dogovorila za sporazumno prekinitev pogodbe.

Ivan Marinković je v Koper prišel v začetku sezone 2018/19. Dobre igre iz prve sezone je letos še nadgradil saj je v Ligi ABA v povprečno 22 minutah na parketu, beležil po 10,6 točke in 5,8 skoka na tekmo.

Košarkarski klub Koper Primorska ob ponudbi, ki je v teh dneh prispela na Marinkovićev naslov, ni želel stal na poti košarkarjevim željam po novem dokazovanju in nastopanju na mednarodni sceni z začetkom v naslednji sezoni.

Marinković bo kariero nadaljeval pri ljubljanski Cedevita Olimpiji, a v Ligi ABA v tej sezoni več ne bo zaigral, saj je potekel prestopni rok za prestop iz enega v drugi klub Lige ABA.
